To get out of your seat
What is Raise my hand quietly?
Chromebook should be charged
Grade if student talks during a quiz/test
What is will result in a grade of 0?
Where students should check their grades
What is infinite campus. Teachers will update grades every two weeks.
Students can pass notes in class.
What is, not allowed. The note will be taken away.
To get a pencil
What is check out a pencil from the whiteboard?
When your phone goes off in class (text or call)
What is take out the phone, put it on silent and away?
Students can put on makeup during class.
What is, not allowed. Students should put on makeup outside of class?
Extra credit helps out the grade by
What is raising the grade a small amount? Example: C+ to a B-. Not F to a B.
Using profanity in class (bad words)
What is, not allowed. Student will be sent up to the office.
When the teacher talks
What is Stay quiet and listen?
Texting while in class will result in
What is sending the phone to the office?
When a student uses an online calculator or app to find an answer.
What is, considered cheating? Students need to ask for help from the teacher, a parent, or at tutoring if they get stuck.
What is they must complete the assignments when they return.
Hitting, or pushing anyone in class
What is, student will be sent up to the office.
The teacher counts down to 0.
What is stay quiet, not allowed to speak?
Playing games on the chromebook instead of working on the classwork
What is Teacher sends a message/call to parent.
Students can eat in class.
What is not allowed? Only with teacher permission.
Late work is due
What is the Monday after the work is due?
Students can get out their seat to get something from a friend
What is, student must raise their hand and ask for permission.
When entering the classroom
What is, get to your seat quietly and write in the planner.
Destroying the chromebook will result in
What is, fines. Parents will have to pay money for the damage.
Gum goes in the ...
What is a trash can? Not on the floor or under a table.
How to raise your grade when it drops because you don't turn in the classwork
What is turn in your missing work.
Talking while the teacher is talking
What is not acceptable. It is disruptive?