True or False: It is fine for me to take someone's supplies or belongings without permission.
False. It would be disrespectful for me to take a classmate's things without asking.
True or False: I might earn a name ticket if I'm talking to my friend when Mrs. Newton is doing a whole group lesson.
False. It would be disrespectful for me to talk and interrupt instruction while Mrs. Newton is talking and trying to teach.
What are the 4 Be's?
Be responsible, respectful, ready, and supportive!
True or False: The classroom door should be closed and locked at all times.
Yes. NEVER touch the lock on the door. The door should never be opened without Mrs. Newton's permission. That way we are all staying safe.
True or False: If the whole class is completing their assignment, treating each other kindly, and working at an appropriate volume, we might be able to earn a Bone in the Jar.
True! Bones in the Jar can be earned when the whole class is on task, working, and being All About the Be's!
True or False: It is okay for me to put trash in the supply caddy when it's at my table.
False. The supply caddy is for my supplies only, and trash belongs in the trash can.
True or False: I may earn Dojo Points if I complete my work.
What does being respectful look like?
1. Doing my work at a nice voice level.
2. Being quiet in the hallways.
3. Not talking when Mrs. Newton or a classmate is talking.
True or False: I am allowed to take a bathroom break without asking.
False. Please do not leave the classroom without permission. Mrs. Newton needs to always know where you are!
True or False: I should raise my hand before I speak during a lesson or discussion.
True. It wouldn't be respectful to talk when Mrs. Newton or a classmate is talking. If too many people are talking, you won't be able to hear anyone. EVERYONE deserves to be heard!
True or False: I should treat the classroom library books carefully. That means I should not bend or tear the pages or throw the books.
True! Please treat the classroom library books responsibly and respectfully.
How can I earn a name ticket or Be Ticket in the hallway?
I can earn tickets by walking straight in the line, not cutting, and using a voice level 0.
What does being ready look like?
1. Listening when Mrs. Newton is giving directions.
2. Having the materials you need to learn (like your notebook and a pencil).
My pencil has broken, what should I do now?
The best thing to do would be to put the broken pencil in the "Broken Pencil" bucket and then get a new pencil.
Which voice level should I use in the hallway, and why?
I should be using a Level 0 voice in the hallway. That means I am silent so that I am not disturbing other classes.
How many classroom library books am I able to read at a time?
Only one! Please take one book at a time from the classroom library so that books do not get lost and everyone is able to get a book. Bonus: Where should books be returned?
How can I earn tickets or Dojo Points in the classroom?
1. Following directions.
2. Completing my work.
3. Being kind and supportive to others.
What does being responsible look like?
1. Completing your work the best you can.
2. Using materials and books nicely.
3. Following directions.
True or False: I am allowed to read with more than one book buddy at a time.
False. I should only read with one book buddy at a time so that there are some for others too. BONUS: How should you use a book buddy?
How should I behave when taking a bathroom break?
1. Doing what I need to then wash my hands.
2. Not playing with others.
3. Give others privacy.
4. Throw my trash in the trash can.
Should I break pencils or crayons on purpose? Why not?
No because that is not respectful or responsible. That means there would be less supplies for the class to use. It is also wasted money.
What can Dojo Points and name tickets be used for?
They can be used to get treasure box prizes or other special privileges in the classroom (like free time or choosing your own job).
What does being supportive look like?
1. Helping out a classmate.
2. Being kind to others.
3. Congratulating a classmate for winning even if you lose.
When Mrs. Newton rings the classroom doorbell, I should...
I should stop talking to my classmate, put down my pencil or book, look at Mrs. Newton, and be ready to listen.
I shouldn't be doing something if...
1. I'm hurting others or their feelings.
2. I'm interfering with others learning.
3. I'm not being my best self.