What does a transition in class look AND sound like?
Usually 15 seconds, quiet, and in assigned or appropriate location
What now happens if you break school or classroom policy?
Parent communication
What is the expectation when walking in the hallways?
Silent, in line order, calm
What is the expectation during constructive conversations?
ALL are taking turns speaking
Constructive language is being used
Listening to all peers in the group
True or false: If I stack my own chair and clean up my desk, I can line up
FALSE: Continue looking around the room for things to pick up
What does the morning routine look like when you arrive to our classroom?
Come in CALMLY
Read board
Begin work immediately at desk
What is the new rule about "tattling?"
No telling on someone unless they are hurting you, hurting someone else, or breaking school policy
Which of the following are true for the lunch room?
A. Go straight to seat with lunch
B. No crawling/leaning over benches
C. No screaming
D. No getting up/walking around without permission
What is the expectation during READ ALOUD and INSTRUCTION
nothing in hands
sitting up straight
listening ears
True or false: It is very safe to lean back in our chairs
What should be happening during independent time?
You go to your assigned group work location, begin working immediately. You should remain quiet and focused on your assignment.
What are we no longer allowed to say in our class?
No yelling at people (ex: shut up, nobody cares, calling out someone's name to compare them to a character in a book)
Where should you go each morning when you arrive to school?
Get breakfast then go to ART room
Where can you find morning work posted?
On the board!
True or false: When you transition and arrive in your appropriate location, you should sit quietly and wait for direction.
FALSE: You should arrive to your appropriate location, and begin working on the assigned task immediately.
Where does important or signed work go?
I can earn PBIS rewards like stinky feet, rolly chairs, etc, by.....
You can earn these rewards by earning pawprints, which you earn through completing work, following expectations, etc.
When we line up (in classroom, at recess, at lunch, etc), we should...
What should clean-up at the end of the day include?
Floor cleaned
Chairs stacked
Desks cleared off
True or False: When I arrive in the morning, I should get my chair, read the board, and go talk to my friend about what happened this morning on the bus.
FALSE: You SHOULD get your chair and read the board, but you should immediately go to your seat and work.
What should it look and sound like when we come in from lunch?
Come in quietly
Grab white board, marker, and rag in a LINE
Go to seat and get math textbook
What is the expectation for laptop use?
Using for educational purposes ONLY unless free-time has been given
What should bathroom use in and out of class look like?
Quick and clean.
If I finish early, I should...
Move on to task 2 if we are doing folder work, or read silently if we are not doing folder work.
True or False: Playing games on your laptop during instruction is a violation of the laptop code of conduct you signed