What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
Raise your hand to ask
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
Raise your hand quietly
What is a Brain Break?
A time to move your body in a safe way!
How do we get a class compliment point?
By someone giving us a whole class compliment
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
Raise your hand!
What should I do when I get a Fantastic Falcon paper?
Put the white part in the 5th grade box in the cafeteria.
How do I know if I have missing work?
Missing work poster or Infinite Campus
When can I use the safe seat?
When I ask for a break or an adult tells you to go and take a break there.
Where should loose papers go in my desk?
Paper folder
What should I do if I'm done with my school assignments?
Finish at home, recess, or before or after school.
What should I do if I finish my work early?
Look at the next step to do or get a book out and read.
What are the first things that I write in my notebook everyday?
The answer to the bellwork question
How do I ask to use the restroom?
Sign language R sign
How do I pick a class dojo prize?
Rip off a piece of paper at a good time an give it to Mrs. Peterson with your name on it.
When can you use your ipad?
When the adult has told you to.
How do I use my restroom token?
Give it to Mrs. Peterson (in her hands)
Where does my bellwork notebook go after I am done?
Inside your desk.
How can I get a dojo point (name 4 ways)
Accept multiple ideas...
Where do I turn in assignments? Name 2 ways
Into basket or on Class Dojo
What should hallway restroom breaks look and sound like?
Quiet, sitting or standing against lockers, using the restroom and moving on
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet?
Give me 5!
What do I do if I want to ask a question?
Raise your hand.
What are the 4 big expectations of class?
Raise your hand to talk or leave your seat, keep hands and feet to self, stay in assigned desk, follow the direction from the adult right away.
What are the behavior redirection steps?
1. Verbal redirection / warning
2. Safe seat
3. Buddy room
4. PAC / phone call home
5. Office Referral
Name 3 steps I need to do when using my locker. (Hint LOOK for help...)
1. Put things inside at start of day, do not open or go into it all day unless asked to by teacher, only open your locker.