What is our classroom currency & how do you use it?
Hawk Bucks & you can use it to purchase things in the Hawk Cafe.
How should you enter and exit the room?
Level 1, calmly, walking with hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
What does being on time look like?
Being in your seat by the time the bell rings.
Level 1 - Whisper
Level 2 - Inside Voice
Level 3 - Presentation Voice
Level 4 - Outdoor Voice
What is Ms. Hawk's attention signal and what should you do when you hear it?
Ms. Hawk rings a doorbell to get the class' attention and when we hear it we should put all eyes on her and be conversation level 0, with listening ears.
What kind of things can you purchase from the Hawk Cafe?
Food, drinks, gum, desk pets, snap bracelets, and stickers!
Where do you look if you need supplies?
The buckets on each row.
Wait for Ms. Hawk to let you in then come in calmly, quietly, and go straight to your seat.
What is the most common movement level we will be using?
What does cleaning up look like?
- Picking up all trash and throwing it away
- Picking up any pencils, pens, erasers off the floors/desks and putting them back in your bucket.
- Line your desks up to the blue tape.
- Sit quietly with your stuff packed waiting to be dismissed.
How do you earn Hawk Bucks?
- Following Expectations
- Being on time
- Having your iPad
- Classroom Jobs
If you need to move for a tissue, to throw something away, or to sharpen your pencil - what should you do?
Raise your hand and ask for permission!
How many tardies can you have before being assigned a lunch detention?
2 tardies, and then the 3rd is a lunch detention.
Level 0
What rules do we have for food & drink in the classroom?
- No sharing with others
- Do not ask to go wash your hands
- Clean up after yourself
What is our Consequence system?
2 warnings, then a consequence.
When should you move to leave class?
After Ms. Hawk dismisses your row.
What 2 items do you need to use a hall pass?
- Agenda
- ID
What does Ms. Hawk mean when she says "Struggle Time"?
She will not be talking, answering questions, or helping in anyway. Do not approach her or raise your hand.
Where should your phone, iPad, and airpods be unless Ms. Hawk directs you to use them? What happens if she sees them?
In your bag, pocket, or locker. If Ms. Hawk sees them you will get two warnings then have it taken.
Where are the two places you should NEVER be?
2. Behind Ms. Hawk's desk
When can you use a hall pass?
Between the first and last 10 minutes of class.
What is the process for asking for help?
1. Reread the instructions
2. Ask a neighbor
3. Raise your hand to ask Ms. Hawk
How is Lunch Club going to work this quarter?
- Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for fun/hanging out/relaxing.
- Fridays will be for tutoring.
- 10 spots each day, sign up outside the room.
- You cannot come more than once a week