Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

Wait until Mr.T isn't teaching, then go sharpen. The sharpener is old school and needs to be emptied frequently.


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

Raise your hand


What is a Turn-in box?

The place where completed work is placed.


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You receive a warning or reminder


What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?

Raise your hand, or quietly whisper to a desk mate.


What should I do when the bell rings at the end of class?

There is no bell, I will let you know when class is over. 


What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?

The right book/s, something to write with ( a pencil in math class), and a silent reading book. A computer is often necessary as well.


What is a Bathroom Break?

Bathroom breaks are times when you may go to the bathroom. Snack time is a great time for a bathroom break. Always let Mr. T know you are leaving!

Bathroom breaks should not happen during class times unless it is an emergency.


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will be asked to go to the hall for a private discussion. If I send you to the hall, wait for me, it may take a bit.


What should I do if I'm done with my school assignments?



What should I do if I finish my work early?

Reading is always an option. Definitely don't do anything that will disturb others.


What should I do when I arrive each day?

Eat breakfast, work on assignments that need to be completed.

Use Prodigy Math or English.


What are the three big expectations of class?

Try your hardest

Be Kind to Others

Use respectful language

As always, Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible


What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Your parent will be contacted, and you will be speaking with them about the behaviors you are doing.


When can you use electronics?

When I give you permission, you may use a computer. No other electronics are allowed.


What do you do if you run out of time to complete your work?

Do it in RTI or take it home for homework.


Where does my work go at the end of class.

Completed work can be placed in the turn-in box. Amplify workbooks can go back in your desk. Readers always go back on the bookshelf.


What are coins for?

Coins may be handed out for outstanding behavior. I rarely hand coins to my own class, if I do, you have done something wonderful!


What happens fourth time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will be sent to the office.

Sometimes students don't get to go through all the steps and are sent to the office immediately.


When should class jobs be completed?

When I ask you to do them. I need everyone to clean at the end of each day.


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

Mr T will do one of these things:

Wait patiently with a look of annoyance,

Hold up three fingers and slowly count down,

Or, ask you to be quiet.


What do I do if I want to ask a question?

Raise your hand!!!


How do I earn free time?

Free time may be given as a reward by me. I don't do it very much, but I will consider it on a Friday afternoon if all your work is done, and you have been respectful.


What is a referral?

A referral is an electronic form I fill out describing what you were doing wrong.


How can you take a Break?

Breaks may be taken occasionally if you are feeling like you are at your boiling point.

Always ask me first before you leave the classroom.
