Where do you look to see what items you need out?
The board
What does voice level 0 mean?
Voice is off
What does listening look and sound like?
Where does your ipad go at the end of the day?
Plug it in, or in a cubby
When is it a good time to use the bathroom?
During snack, worktime, after lunch, during small groups
What noise level do you use when coming into the classroom?
Level 0
When do you need to go to the nurse?
Bleeding, Fever, Puking, Injury
Ms. Olson contacts mom and dad
What should you do when you get to the classroom in the morning?
~Make your lunch choice
~Get a chair
~Start your morning work at your desk
~Voices off for announcements
What does it look like working with a partner?
Voice level 1 or 2
Working on your assigned task
Both partners are working
What should it look like and sound like when the class is in the hallway?
Voice level 0
Hands and feet to self
Walking in a line
What are 3 jobs that need to be done at the end of the day?
Floor need to be picked up
Chairs need to be stacked
Ipads put away
Desk cleaned off
Where do you put your backpack and jacket?
In your locker
What are you allowed to have up at the carpet with you?
What we are working on
Not allowed: toys, pillows, fidgets
What are some of the rules up at the carpet?
Sitting up and on your bottom- criss crossed or mermaid
Voice level 0
No toys or pillows
Raise your hand for permission to speak
What is something you can earn for following the class rules and expectations?
Dojo points or a bulldog token