What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
Wait until the teacher is not talking before sharpening your pencil.
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
Where do completed assignments need to go?
Umansky Homeroom- top basket
Eaton Homeroom- bottom basket
What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?
You will lose a PBIS point.
Where should your chair be at all times?
What should I do when it is time to leave?
WAIT for Ms. Umansky to dismiss the class. THEN, pack up and line up at the door.
What should you bring with you to class?
Science notebook, ELA notebook, chromebook, pencil, highlighter.
What should be the first thing you do when you come in the morning / warming up for class?
Bell Ringer and today's weekly review
When someone knocks on the door, who opens it? How should you open the door?
The person closest to the door should open it. You should open it quickly and quietly to avoid distractions.
When should you talk to your friend about your plans this weekend?
Before or after class, or at lunch or recess. Not during class.
When we line up, what should it look and sound like?
Facing forward in a straight line, no talking, hands to ourselves
What are the first things that I write on any worksheet?
Name and today's date
Do you have to do your bell ringer on days you are not at school?
NO! You are excused from the bell ringer on days you are not here.
What happens if you lose too many PBIS points? (more than 3)
You do not get Free Friday.
When can you use electronics?
NO PHONES. Chromebooks are out ONLY WHEN ALLOWED.
What do you do if you need to go to the restroom?
Ask for permission from the teacher.
What does my desk look like when I leave class?
ONLY the textbooks inside. No food, dirt, pencils, etc left behind.
Do you have to do your weekly review for a day you are not here?
YES! Weekly reviews should always be fully completed, EVEN IF YOU MISSED A DAY!
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
Wait until all directions are given, then ask a FRIEND for help before asking the teacher.
What should you do if you have your hand up but Ms. Umansky is not calling on you?
Wait patiently. If I am not planning on answering your question, I will tell you to put your hand down. DO NOT just start talking.
What do I do if I don't have a pencil?
Get an extra one from the cup near Ms. Umansky's desk, and please return it!
What do I do if I want to ask a question?
Raise hand and quietly wait to be called on.
What should I do if I finish my work early?
Lexia, Quill, Typing
What could happen if you lean your chair back?
Severe pain! Accidents can happen and you can break your back!
How can you take a Brain/Frustration Break?
Ask Ms. Umansky for a lap. Take a lap around the school.