Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

What is wait until the lesson is over, then ask teacher for a sharpener OR ask a friend for one OR use your own. 


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

What is raise your hand.... no need to say/shout my name...


What is a Brain Break?

What is an activity we will start to do in between lessons to help us stay focused. 


What happens first if I choose to break a classroom expectation?

What is I will get an official warning. 


What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?

What is 

1. Listen to the instructions

2. Read the instructions 2 times to try and understand 

3. Quietly ask a friend 

4. Ask the teacher


What should I do when it's time to pack up/ the bell rings? 

What is put computers at the front of the class neatly, put away materials, clean up around desk, push in chair, change shoes, put on outdoor gear, go outside. 


What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?

What is a pencil/ materials the teacher specifies. 


What is a Frustration Break?

What is a walking break people may ask for if they are struggling to regulate their emotions or feeling frustrated. Only one person can go on a frustration break at a time, everyone gets 1 "free" frustration walk a week with no explanation needed. 


What happens the second time I choose to break a classroom expectation?

If I get more than 1 or 2 official warnings, I will get a phone call home/ sent to the office depending on what I did.


What should I do if I'm done with my school assignments?

What is hand then in directly to teacher and let them know they were handed in. If it is due on Google Classroom, then make sure you SUBMIT it and actually hand it in. 


What should I do if I finish my work early?

What is silently read, clean up the classroom quietly, ask to complete other work. 


What do I do when it's time to go to recess? 

What is push in chair, put computer at the front of the classroom neatly, clean up around my desk. 


What are the three big expectations of class?

What is: 

1. Treat everyone in the class with respect and kindness.

2. Treat the classroom and materials with respect and kindness. 

3. Do not take learning opportunities away from others. 


What happens if I continuously break rules and disrespect the teachers, classmates, or the classroom and don't care about warnings or phone calls home?

You will spend the day in the office completing work and will lose all field trip privileges. 


When can you use electronics and where are they kept?

What is only when teacher says I am allowed to and they are kept in the bins at the front of the class.  

What do I do if I need to use the bathroom/ get a drink of water? 

What is make sure the lesson is over, then go and grab the bathroom cone and put it on my desk and go to the bathroom/ get water. Bathroom time is NOT a time for you and a friend to go for a walk... I have noticed manyyyy students are taking the bathroom cone then their friend immediately grabs the water cone so they can hangout... Not appropriate. 


What MUST you do before you are welcome to sit at your desk? 

What is change your shoes and hang up your backpack/jacket. 


What are official warnings?

What is if you do something that goes against classroom rules/ expectations you will get a warning. 

What happens if I do not hand in assigned work?

What is I will get a reminder to complete the work the day it is due, and up to 3 days after it is due. If you do not complete the assigned work you will get a 0 on it until it is handed in to the teacher. The teacher (me) will not chase you down for the work... 


When should class jobs be completed?

What is when the teacher tells me to, during breaks, and at the end of the day. 


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

What is 

1. Count down from 3/5 

2. All Hail Mew Twos 

3. Hear ye hear ye 


What do I do before I leave at the end of the day? 

What is complete my Agenda and get it signed by the teacher, stack my chair, clean up the classroom, stack my indoor shoes, pack up my bag, sit on my desk. 


What is Free Friday and who gets it?

What is free time that students who complete their work and who have not gotten more than 2 official warnings in the week get to participate in. 


What do you do if you get a yellow slip?

What is just take the slip and go to the office. At the point of getting a yellow slip, it is not up for discussion. Yellow slips will not be revoked. If you do not go quietly, then someone from the office will come and remove you (which is worse). 


How can you take a Brain/Frustration Break?

What is when you ask the teacher to take one. Asking should only happen when it is an appropriate time: Not during a lesson...
