Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

Wait until it is work time before leaving your seat to sharpen. If someone is speaking (teacher or classmate) you do not sharpen. 


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

Raise your hand. 

Wait until Ms. Wells has finished speaking to a classmate before asking a question. 

Silently give hand gesture. 


What is a Brain Break?

A quick break to move our bodies and refresh our brains. It does not mean our work is done.


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will get a reminder from Ms. Wells on what is expected. 


What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?

Make sure you ask questions during Ms. Wells' explanation. 

Quietly "ask 3, before me" if I am unavailable. 

Raise hand for help. 


What to do and not to do during end of the day cleanup?

DO: Complete your job. Clean table off. Collect your backpack. 

DO NOT: Fool around. Talk to friends. Not complete your job.


When do you get to work in the coat room?

Only if you have asked Ms. Wells first.

Max 3 people*


What is the Comfy Chair for?

If you are not feeling well and need a personal break to breathe and take a moment. The comfy chair is a cozy, quiet place. 


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Immediate consequence. Removal of privilege. 

Example: No tech time. Inside at recess. 


What shouldn't I do if Ms. Wells is teaching/giving instructions? 

Read a book.
Whisper to your neighbour.
Call out.
Play with a game.


What should I do if I finish my work early?

Look at the "I'm Finished Board"

You must complete "Must Do" before "May Do"

Your "May Do" options will be limited if this is not followed. 

VOICES ARE OFF. DO NOT distract your classmates who are still working. 


Where do you keep your personal pens, markers, erasers, etc.?

In your white bin. 

ONLY pencils in your pencil holder. 


What is the one rule of the classroom?


If you are doing something that is not respectful, we must stop and reassess what our motivation is. 


What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Email home to families with followup. 


Bathroom expectations

***Go during recess, snack and lunch***
I will say no if it is during teaching time/20 minutes after recess/snack/lunch. 
1) Ask Ms. Wells FIRST (hand gesture)
2) See if you can silently find someone who is finished.
3) Move your magnets.
4) Write both your names on the Sign Out sheet with the time.
5) Closest bathroom. There and back.
6) Move magnets back.


What is the expectation if someone is speaking in the classroom?

Sitting in your chair.
Voice off.
Not tapping pencil or hitting desk.
Active listening. 


How do I transition between subjects?

Immediately clean up previous activity. 

Collect new materials. 

Sit ready at desk for next instructions.


What is a fidget?

A fidget is used to focus our body's extra energy on a secondary action.
It is not a toy to distract us. If it does, you do not need it. 


What happens if I choose to be a bully, disrespectful, or inappropriate to my classmates?

Immediate ticket to Ms. Krisko. Phone call home. 

None of these things are tolerable in my classroom. 


Expectations for Soft Start everyday?

Whisper voices and a quiet individual task at your desk.

Silence and rest at your desk. 


What happens if volume is set to "whisper" and it is not being followed?

One reminder and then silence. 


What happens if I don't use my class time wisely?

Inside during recess. 

Homework and signed by parents. 


What does "take a lap" mean?

It is a quick hustle around the field to get rid of extra energy and get fresh air.
It is not a slow, meandering walk where we stop and play along the way. 


What happens if I rush/don't take my time to hand in my best writing?

I will ask you to do it again.

If you are finished early, that means you should be challenging yourself to write more, use more adjectives, add more detail, etc.


Rules for when to use books/kanoodle/cards/games

Games/cards: Only during Freedom Friday

Kanoodle: Soft Start/May Do

Books: Soft start/May Do/Silent Reading
