
How many pencils should you have at all times?

5 pencils at a time


What should I do if I want to say something during a lesson or add to the conversation?

Raise my hand and wait to be called on, not blurt out.


What are the expectations before you begin soft start?

Read the board (follow any directions on it), make your lunch choice, put Tiger Book at desk, do job if needed, and then begin soft start.



If someone makes an off-task statement (blurts), what should you do?

Ignore the blurting and continue to do your own job.


What should you do when the announcements come on or someone over the loud speaker?

Automatically stop what I am doing and have a level zero voice to listen.


TRUE OR FALSE: I am allowed to touch others laptops. 

FALSE: You are not allowed to touch any laptop but your own without permission.


What are the carpet expectations?

Quietly find an appropriate spot, sitting on bottom with a calm body, and with eyes on the speaker.


What is our small group routine for rotations?

Check board for group number and rotation, complete task/job given, clean up and start next rotation once timer goes off.


If you see someone off-task on their device, what should you do?

Politely tell them to get back to work or Snitch. It's okay. In the long run, you're doing them a favor. 


How do you ask to use the bathroom?

Silently show hand signal, waiting for teacher to acknowledge and then use bathroom.


How many books should be in your book box from the classroom library? What levels?

3 books, 2 on level and one at any level.


What do you do if you aren't sure what to do or are confused on directions?

Ask 3 peers than ask the teacher or just ask the teacher! 


What are the expectations when getting ready for dismissal at the end of the day?

Put laptop away, move lunch choice, do classroom job, and put book box away, sitting at desk with Tiger Book out.


What is the expectation when Ms. Vial has a sub?

To do exactly what we do any other day, maybe even behave better. :)

Work hard to follow directions and make the sub feel welcomed.


What are the four main classroom rules Ms. Vial stated at the beginning of the year?

1. Always do your best work

2. Follow directions quickly

3. Raise your hand to speak

4. Listen when someone is talking


What are the expectations if you need to use scissors?

Carefully grab scissors from caddy by laptops and return to desk. Use them to cut needed materials appropriately and the return back to caddy. Pick up all scraps from cutting.

Keep scissors to myself and be careful using them.


What are the expectations for group work?

Partners must speak and work equally together to complete the work. Do not just sit and copy or one person do all the work. Positive mindset to work with anyone.


When is the best time to use the restroom in order to maximize learning time?

Use the restroom during the transition between classes. 


What is the expectation when I am speaking or another student is sharing?

Keep silent and listen. Show the speaker you are listening. If you have something to add, raise your hands and wait to speak. 


What are the expectations for walking in the hallway if we have to leave the classroom?

Walk in a silent, single-file line. Keep eyes forward and body calm.


What is one reason why you love third grade?

I get to teach the best group of students every day. :)


Why is it important to try your best and always work hard with your learning?

All that matters if that I give my best and get better each day. Learning is so important!


How do you respond to a peer if they are being disruptive or distracting you?

Be respectful and ask them nicely to get on task, use your words first and THEN get teacher assistance if problem continues. 


Why is it important to follow behavioral expectations at school and even in the community?

It fosters a positive learning environment, helps develop relationship, helps create success, helps others feel safe, and can help build academic performance. 


What are the lunchroom expectations?

Use manners when going through lunch line, find a seat at table and use a low level voice when eating food, stay in seat and raise hand if you need something, eat and then talk, and make sure to clean up your area when finished.
