What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
Raise your hand!
What is a Brain Break?
A short break from learning
What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?
Folder sign, reflection form, practice at recess...depending on the problem.
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
What should I do if I finish my work early?
Read a book or follow the directions on the board.
What should I do after I come into the classroom in the morning?
Look at the board and follow the directions!
What should we do when the teacher says "Class, class" or another attention getter?
Repeat "yes, yes" and look at the teacher for directions
What does it look like and sound like at group time while my teacher is teaching?
Quiet, on a dot, hands to self
When can you use your chromebook?
At the beginning of the day, reading time or when there is an assignment on it.
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)
Look at the Champs board, listen to her directions
What do I do if I want to ask a question?
Raise your hand
If you get frustrated, where can you go in the classroom to cool down?
Cool down corner
How do I get a blue ticket?
Making the right choices in the hall, cafe or around another teacher.
How do I use fidgets in the cool down corner?
Hold them in our hands, squeeze them.
Ask 3 friends, then put your number in the "waiting room"