What should you do when you enter the classroom?
1. Come in quietly, calmly, and ready to learn.
2. Get out materials listed on the board.
What are at least 3 things we might do at the beginning of class?
1. Read
2. Makeup work
3. Journal
4. First Chapter FridayWhat should you do if you need to use the restroom during study time?
Refrain from submitting a bathroom request unless it is an emergency
Is this the best time to go to the bathroom during ELAR class?
Yes, 1000%, absolutely.
How should you exit the classroom?
Quietly and calmly
What is the 10-10 Rule?
No going to the restroom 10 minutes in the beginning or end of class
What should you do if you do not have a book to read?
Borrow a book from Ms. Shidler (or ask to go to the library *1 Student Per Day*)
What is one activity students will do during study time?
Take notes
Read a text together
When your classmates are responding to a question posed by Ms. Shidler, what should you be doing?
Listening to their response respectfully
What is required before taking headphones?
Speak with Ms. Shidler, THEN sign out headphones
If Ms. Shidler is in front of the whiteboard, actively talking to the class (explaining content, giving instructions, etc), what are 3 things you should be doing?
1. Sitting in your seat
2. Not talking
3. Listening
4. Looking at the board
What should you do if you have a question during reading time or quiet work time?
Raise your hand and wait for Ms. Shidler to come to you to talk
Where should your laptops be when Ms. Shidler is instructing?
In your backpack/under your seat
True or False: airpods are allowed in Ms. Shidler's class
FALSE. Your headphones must plug into your computer. You may not use your phones to listen to music.
What should you do with any borrowed materials before leaving?
Return to Ms. Shidler
When are Ms. Shidler's tutoring days/times?
Before School Thursdays
After School Mondays and Wednesdays
What are two reasons why you should read every day?
1. Improves reading stamina
2. Helps with spelling
3. Helps with comprehension
If you have a RELEVANT question while Ms. Shidler is teaching, what should you do?
Raise your hand and wait for Ms. Shidler to call on you
How many points per day do you lose for a late assignment?
10 points per day
Where should you be to be dismissed at the end of class?
In your assigned seat with your area cleaned up
What happens if you have 0 missing assignments at the end of the week?
You will get a jolly rancher
What was the first "First Chapter Friday" we did this year?
A Series of Unfortunate Events
What is the key focus of our "Study" time?
To learn something new
What do you NOT get to do during work time when you have a failing grade?
Sit with your friends
How should binder be returned to the cabinet?
Neatly shelved in the correct cabinet