Morning routine: List two things you should be doing
What is..
- Going straight to your seat
- Eating breakfast quietly
- Completing morning work independently
- Reading if everything is done
- Level Zero at the first bell
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
What is..
- Raise my hand
_____ when your teacher is talking.
What is...
Listen when your teacher is talking.
What is an example of showing respect while Miss Rich is teaching a lesson.
What is...
- Eyes on her
- Voices off
- Listening ears
- Not fiddling with pencil or toys
- Etc.
What is..
Should I go to the restroom while my teacher is in the middle of a lesson or giving whole group instruction?
What is...
No, I should wait and go at a better time.
What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?
What is..
- Pencil and books/packets needed for each subject.
Raise your hand before _________ .
What is...
Raise your hand before speaking.
What is Miss Rich's favorite color?
What is...
I should go to the bathroom when someone else is there.
What is...
What should I do if I finish my work early?
What is..
- Work on any unfinished work
- Check the "I'm done, now what?" Folder
- Practice Handwriting
What two things should I write at the top of every paper?
What is..
Name and number
F_ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
(The first time they are given)
What is...
Follow directions!
What is an example of showing respect to a classmate during a discussion?
What is...
- Eyes on the speaker
- Voices off
- Asking thoughtful questions
- Waiting to talk until the speaker is done
I should work or read quietly when I get done with something.
What is...
When my teacher rings the doorbell or says "Class Class/1, 2, 3 eyes on me" - What should I do?
What is...
Immediately direct my attention to my teacher.(Level zero voice and eyes on her)
Where should all my work go everyday when going back and forth from school to home?
What is..
Red take home folder
Treat others with _________ & _______ .
What is...
Kindness & Respect
What is an example of showing respect while Miss Rich is helping another student?
What is..
Waiting patiently with your hand up to signal that you need help.
I should be kind and respectful to my teacher and all of my classmates.
What is...
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)
What is..
- Ring the doorbell
- Show the 5 signal
- "Class Class"
- "1, 2, 3, eyes on me"
How should you line up for specials/lunch/recess?
What is..
Quickly, quietly, and in number line order
Always do your _____ .
What is...
What is the morning procedure?
- Greet Miss Rich
- Give her your lunch count
- Find seat
- Get ipad
- Eat breakfast
- Work on morning work quietly
February 2, 2022 falls on a TUESDAY
What is...