Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do when the bell rings at the beginning of class? 

Identify the Do Now and begin.


How do I get the teacher’s attention or have a question?

Stay quiet, in your seat and raise your hand. Wait for the teacher to call on you.


What is a Do Now? 

A quick activity in the beginning of class that can be an introduction to a new skills, or review of previously taught skills.


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

When we do not follow rules, we are making bad choices, and there will be consequences: a warning, a seat move, detention, call home, or a referral. 


What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?

Ask 3 other students before asking the teacher for help. One of your classmates can probably help you understand.


What should I do when there are only 5 minutes left of class? 

Stay seated and continue working quietly on your assignments. Wait until the teacher instructs you to clean up and prepare to be dismissed.


What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?

A charged laptop and maybe a pencil. 


What are three big expectations of class?

Kupono, Kupa'a, Kulia

Respect others, put forth your best effort at all times, be prepared for class each day, follow directions when given, and take responsibility for your actions. 


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

If you've already received a warning, the next step is to receive another warning, possibly move seats, and potentially receive detention.


What should I do if I am missing class assignments?

Identify the work I am missing either from Google Classroom, a classmate, or my teacher, and get it done! If needed, complete the work at home.


What should I do if I finish my work early?

You can work on other assignments, read silently or do an activity on the Student Choice Board. You cannot play computer games in English class. 


What is the bathroom procedure? 

One person at a time. Raise your hand to ask permission preferably using the Restroom Hand Signal Always sign out.


How do I earn PBIS points? 

Follow directions quickly, meet classroom expectations, participate in class discussionsetc.


What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

If your behavior does not change after serving a detention, you will get an office referral and a call home. 


When can you use your cellphone in the classroom? 



What do I do if I need to use the bathroom? 

If it's the beginning of class, you need to wait until after the Do Now and the teacher's instructions. Then, you can raise your hand and ask to go. 


What do I do when I see that the teacher wants me to be quiet? 

As soon as you hear or see the signal, stop what you're doing, look at the teacher, and listen for directions. 


What is the "agenda"?

What we are going to do for the day; a list of tasks we are expected to work on that day.


Why are there consequences for breaking rules? 

Consequences teach us lessons; they remind us to have compassion for others, so we can stay safe in and out of the classroom.


When should I charge my computer? 

At home. You shouldn't be charging your computer at school. There are only a few charging stations in each classroom. 


How do I know if the teacher wants the the class's attention? (Name 2 ways)

The teacher says, "Students!" and the students reply "Teacher".

The teacher uses her chime.


What do I do if I do not finish my work in class?

Depending on the assignment, you should take it home and finish it to prepare for the next day.


How do I "purchase" a raffle ticket?

Earn PBIS points for meeting expectation and then purchase a raffle ticket in the PBIS store. 


What is a referral?

A referral is a documentation of students' behavior that is aggressive, out of control, or excessively defiant. Submitting a referral notifies the counselor, which could lead to having a conference with the counselor, your parents and/or the Vice Principal. 


What should I do if my computer stops working or has an issue? 

Tell your teacher. Your teacher might give you permission to go to the library to get a new laptop. 
