Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect
Lincoln Expectations

What should you have with you for every class?

Your binder, agenda, pencil, and chromebook


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

Raise your hand.


What is an expectation?

What adults at a school want to see from a student 


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will get a verbal warning from the teacher.


Where can I eat and drink at school?

In the cafeteria only


What should I do when the bell rings at the end of class?

Wait for the teacher to dismiss the class.


Where does my binder go at the end of class?

It goes in your locker. My classroom is not your locker.


What is a Starbuck (not the coffee)?

It's a piece of blue paper that is meant as a reward for being respectful, responsible, or safe.


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will get a warning and a write-up from the teacher.


Where does my backpack belong?

Your locker once you get it


What should I do if I finish my work early?

You can help another student or read a book.


What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

You put your unsharpened pencil in the correct bucket up front, and then grab a sharpened pencil from the other pencil bucket.


What is an electronics violation?

It is when your phone or other device gets taken by the teacher. You get a piece of paper about it, and your parent/guardian have to get the device from your principal.


What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will get another write-up and a phone call to your parents/guardians.


What do I need to bring to each class?

Each teacher wants you to have different materials, but you must be prepared every day.


What do you do if you run out of passes?

You only get so many passes to go to your locker or the bathroom each quarter. Once you run out, you will have to use your passing period time to get things done.


What do I do if I was absent from school?

The next day you are at school, it is YOUR job to ask me for any missing work. You should also check Google classroom.


What is a Brain Break?

A short pause (5 minutes) from work that helps your brain refocus on classwork.


What happens fourth time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

You will get a referral to the principal. Your parents/guardians might be asked to come in for a conference.


What do I have to wear for school uniform?

Black, khaki, or navy blue pants or skirts

Uniform polo shirt (with the collar)

closed-toed shoes

ID around your neck (once you get it)


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

The teacher will count backward from 5. 


What do I do if I want to ask a question?

You can raise your hand when the class is talking together, or you can come up to me at my desk once small group or independent work has started.


What is a write-up?

A write-up is when the teacher puts a record of your behavior into the computer system. 3 write-ups will get you a referral (the principal can see this then).


What is a referral?

A referral is a way to document and tell your principal about your behavior. 

Usually the principal will call your parent/guardian.


When can you use electronics?

Electronics are ONLY allowed to be used in the cafeteria during lunch. Otherwise, they belong at home or in your locker.
