What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
Hold up the pencil symbol and wait for the teacher. Put it in the unsharpened section and grab a sharp one.
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
BONUS: How do I NOT get the teacher's attention?
How should you act during a Brain Break? What happens if you are not participating or talking with friends?
You can stand around the room and do the activity.
You will sit back down.
What happens if I chose to break a classroom expectation?
Lose recess, lose fun activities, lose Tiger Time, Call home
What are the rules for Morning Bins?
Stay at your bin, 4 people at a bin, use each toy how it is supposed to be used.
How do you pack up for the day?
Wait to be called, plug in Chromebook, go to locker, sit back down. NO NEED TO VISIT FRIENDS!!
What supplies should you have on your desk at the beginning of the day?
Chromebook, Pencil, Morning Bins, Headphones
What do you do when you first get to school?
Check in, locker, get supplies, morning work
What happens if I am not safe at recess?
You will sit on the rocks.
What are the expectations in the hallway?
Silent, line facing forward, right side
What should I do if I have to get something from my locker?
Raise your hand and ask.
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
Raise your hand and ask for help BEFORE getting out of your seat.
What are the three big expectations of Leggett?
When should class jobs be completed?
At the end of the day
What are the expectations during a bathroom break?
Silent in the hall and bathroom, use the bathroom and/or get a drink and then get in line
What do you do need to do every morning at your desk?
Morning Work
How can you be safe with your Chromebook and headphones?
Carry it with two hands or in your bin, don't slam on the keyboard or slam it shut, don't push on the screen, keep it on your desk.
Headphones: Don't swing them around!
What is the most important thing to do when having a safety drill?
What should I do if I have a question but the teacher is with a small group?
Grab a clothespin number or wait until she is done and raise my hand
How should you do your I-Ready lessons? What would this look like?
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet?
She says one of our call and responses.
What do I do if I want to ask a question?
What should you do after a call and response? (Ex. Flat Tire! Shhh..) then you....
Are silent!
What does it mean to work independently? What does this look like?
By yourself, NOT with anyone else. Not talking, staying focused on your work only.
What should you do if someone else is bothering you?
Ask then to stop NICELY. Then tell the teacher if they do not stop.
DO NOT shout out, interrupt, yell, be unkind