How many classroom expectations do we have?
19 classroom expectations.
How am I expected to wait before coming into class?
Line up in ONE quiet line besides
the wall near our room and keep
socially distanced.
Who/What dismisses the class?
How many voice levels do we have and what are they?
0 - Voice off
1 - Whisper
2 - Normal
3 - Speak-Up
If some is acting crazy when Mr. Melendez is not in class, what should I do?
Not join the craziness.
What is classroom expectation/rule # 4?
Tardy Procedures
Who is the only person that can allow me to come into class?
Mr. Melendez or a guest teacher for the day.
What would happen if I cannot afford to pay for a restroom visit?
I can always go, but there will be a conversation about managing my time better.
If someone comes to the classroom to talk to Mr. Melendez I should _________ and never _________.
Continue working and never talk to them unless they are here for me.
How should I behave when Mr. Melendez is not in class?
Which classroom expectation/rule talks about what to do when someone is absent?
Rule number 8.
When I come into class, I should always to directly to...
My assigned seat.
Complete the QR code.
During a PA I should...
Stop doing what I am doing and listen to the announcement.
What can I work on if I am done with work for the day?
My cuaderno
If I have any questions about Classroom Expectations, I could look them up on...
my cuaderno/notebook.
A repaso is a...
How many pesos does each student get at the beginning of the semester?
$100 pesos
Wear a hoodie or a hat.
Every Monday
What is a S.M.A.R.T. GOAL?
U in cooperation
If I am absent, what should I do first?
Look in Schoology to see what I have missed.
What is the consequence of having electronic devices in class.
Item will be confiscated, taken to the office and only be returned to a parent or adult.
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Los Angeles, Ca. 90020