How do you ask to use the bathroom?
use a pass
Where does Mr. Mahoney like to go skiing?
49' North
What does the Circle of Champions represent?
The behaviors you need to be successful
What are tests weighted in your overall grade?
Can you be at another student's desk?
How do you turn in assignments after an excused absence?
write "absent" at the top and turn it in
Where was Mr. Mahoney a cross country and track coach?
What must you keep to yourself at all times?
hands and feet
What is a B+
What is the No Fly Zone with the microwave and coffee maker?
Cannot touch or use them
How do you check your current grade?
How many years has Mr. Mahoney been a teacher?
29 years
Explain a Yellow Light Consequence:
yellow light on your desk as a second warning
Are late assignments accepted?
No. Unless excused absence. You have 7 late work passes
Is Mr. Mahoney's desk a No-Fly Zone?
How do you get a drink of water during class?
raise hand and ask permission
What are the names of Mr. Mahoney’s three dogs?
Bubba, Frankie and Marshall
Explain the Red Light consequence:
red light on your desk...hallway, referral and call home
What happens when you cheat on a test?
zero, referral and parents contacted
Can you touch another student's chromebook or cart?
How do you sharpen your pencil?
raise hand and ask permission
What is Mr. Mahoney’s favorite candy?
Get in the?
Can you re-take a test?
Yes, if you scored under 60%
Can you grab something off Mr. Mahoney's shelves?
no way bro!