Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Where do you turn in your work after your absence?
Front desk, in the tray.
Whiteboard: In Spanish, what are the three sections that your “cuaderno” is divided into?
Gramática, cultura, vocabulario
How do you get an Excellent in: Attention and respect to others?
I listened attentively when others spoke and showed respect for my classmates and the teacher.
Translate into Spanish on your whiteboard : “Open your notebook to page 500”
Abran tu cuaderno en página quinientos.
Explain the bathroom procedure for asking and going during class.
Raise your hand: ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor? Take pass
Whiteboard: How many days do you have to make up work for each day absent?
One day for each absence.
Whiteboard: Always correct your homework with “un _________ ______”
Un bolígrafo rojo
How do you get an Excellent in: Preparedness?
I always brought my materials and assignments to class. I am always ready to work without being reminded by the teacher. I always arrive on time and ready to work when the bell rings.
Translate on whiteboard: “Saquen los bolígrafos rojos”
Take out your red pens.
Explain: If you want to go get a drink during class, what do you do?
¿Puedo ir a beber, por favor? o ¿Puedo beber, por favor?
When you know you are going to be absent for an extended period of time, what do you do?
Let the teacher know before hand and we will give you work to make up.
I say “Saquen las pizarras” Act out what you do
Take out your whiteboards
How do you get an Excellent in: On task during presentation of material by teacher?
I am always attentive during explanations. I always follow directions well for activities, and take accurate notes. I do not talk with classmates during a presentation.
Translate on whiteboard: “¿Cómo se dice _______ en español?
How do you say ______ in Spanish?
Explain the procedures for when the teacher passes out papers and how the students later return them.
From/to furthest right side of class.
Explain: Whose job is it to schedule time to take make-up tests and quizzes and to discuss missed work that you have questions about?
Where are the five policies of the class located in the classroom and what are they?
Back whiteboard 1. Be respectful and responsible. 2. Be prepared and be on task each day. 3. No blurting. 4. Water is allowed, otherwise no food and drinks. 5. Always be your best; do your best. "Always try, even if you feel silly"
How do you get an Excellent in: Focused/on-task during activities?
I always remained on task during pair and group activities.
Translate on whiteboard: “Repeat please”
Repita, por favor.
Explain what the tardy sheet is for and how to use it.
In the back on the desk: Name Explain why What you will do next time
What to do when you come in to class after being absent. To the winner of that round: Now imagine it is the next day, what you are supposed to do now.
Check el cajón and see if you have any missing work. The next day bring in your work and place it on the tray up front.
Explain the process of correcting homework and how to get full points.
Have it completed before class Correct it with a read pen
How do you get an Excellent in: Use of Spanish in the classroom?
I always attempted to express myself in Spanish before using English. I volunteered to speak and regularly answered questions.
Translate on whiteboard: ¿Qué significa en inglés? You have one minute to figure it out.
What does it mean in English?
Explain: If you need to go to the guidance office or Nurses office what do you do? If you need to go to the main office do you do something different?
Nurses and Guidance: Go to the back of class and get a pass from the desk, fill it out quietly and Mr. Rimmer or I will sign it. Main office: Ask: ¿Puedo ir a la oficina?