Classroom Policies
Exit Routines
Classroom Resources
Ms. Chard
Classroom Expectations
How many times are we allowed to use a hall pass each quarter?---------------------- a. Unlimited b. 3 Times c. 8 Times d. Never. You'll just have to wet your pants
b. 3 Times
Where do we keep our folders? ---------------------- a.Under our chairs b. In the plastic period crates c. In our period turn in baskets d. In the trash
b. In the plastic period crates
What can you find in the back cabinet? ---------------------- a.Narnia b. A hiding child c. Toiletries and lotion d. Jibber Jabbers
c. Toiletries and lotion
What does Ms.Chard have as a pet? ---------------------- a.A fish b.A pet rock c. A hamster d. A cat
d. A Cat
What do you do when the bell rings at the beginning of class? ---------------------- a.Talk until told to quiet down b. Run and around and scream c. Look at the board for directions and get on task d. Sit quietly until told what to do
c. Look at the board for directions and get on task
When are we allowed to have our cell phones out? ---------------------- a. Never b. When Ms.Chard is not looking c. When Ms. Chard says its okay d. During class transitions. As long as it doesn't become a distraction
d. During class transitions. As long as it doesn't become a distraction
How should the folders be put away? ---------------------- a. however they will fit b. neatly in any of the crates c. neatly in the crate with the corresponding period/last name d. crumpled up and torn into 7 pieces
c.neatly in the crate with the corresponding period/last name
How do you get a pencil? ---------------------- a. Steal your friends b. By trading in your cell phone c. Create one with alchemy d. Ask polity to barrow one
d. Ask polity to barrow one
What is Ms.Chard's nickname? ---------------------- a. Chardinator b. Chardy c. Charizard d. Bob
c. Charizard
If we need something (Markers, lotion, pencil, ect) what do we do? ---------------------- a. Take it what you need b. Demand you are given what you need c. Wait until Ms.Chard offers what you need d. Ask politely to use what your need
d. Ask politely to use what your need
What do we do when we finish a book?---------------------- a. Hoard it in my locker b. Fill out a book form and return it c. Return it d. Leave somewhere in the room
b. Fill out a book form and return it
What do we have to pick up off the floor before leaving? ---------------------- a.My pencil b.Trash c.My friend after Ms. Chard drops him d.Mice
What are Fidget for? ---------------------- a. To smack your neighbor with b. To bury in the back yard c. To help us concentrate d. To tango with
c. To help us concentrate
What is a true fact about Ms. Chard ---------------------- a. She can do a standing back flip b. She has seen Frozen 15 times c. She has 10 siblings d. She plays in a metal band
d. She plays in a metal band
What do we do during independent reading and writing time? ---------------------- a. Sit and do nothing b. Work quietly for the whole time c. Work on the task, but talk in between d. Pretend your on task
b. Work quietly for the whole time
When is it okay to get out of my seat? (Multiple Answers)---------------------- a. To sharpen my pencil or blow my nose b. To bug my neighbor c. To get help or ask a question d. To ask for a hall pass.
Answers A, C, and D
What do we give to our classmates before leaving? ---------------------- a.A slap in the face b.A good vibe c.Your left over chipotle d.A friendly reminder of homework
b.A good vibe
What do you do if your class folder rips? ---------------------- a.Scream and panic b. Take your friends, they'll never notice c. Ignore it and hope it will fix itself d. Ask Ms.Chard to help you tap it back together
d. Ask Ms.Chard to help you tap it back together
What is Ms. Chard's biggest pet peeve? ---------------------- a. People not using their manners b. When pictures are crooked c. Wear two different types of socks d. When people chew with their mouth open
a. People not using their manners
What is the golden rule in this room? ---------------------- a. Silence is golden but duct tape is silver b. Treat others the way that you want to be treated c. Be nice dude d. Class shall be lit if you let it be lit
b. Treat others the way that you want to be treated
What are the policies for turning in late work? ---------------------- a. You can't turn in late work. Period. b. You can turn in late work for half credit c. You can turn in late work for full credit d. You can turn in late work by bribing Ms.Chard with candy
c. You can turn in late work for full credit
What do we have to be doing to be excused from class? What excuses us? ---------------------- a. Nothing! When the bell rings, I'm out. b.Be standing at our desks. The bell excuses us. c.Be standing at our desks. Ms.Chard excuses us. d. Be rolling around on the floor. It's faster if you roll.
c.Be standing at our desks. Ms.Chard excuses us.
What do we do with the pillows on the floor? ---------------------- a. Use them when we read b. Rip them to shreds c. Nothing. They're decoration only d. Start a pillow fight
a. Use them when we read
What is Ms.Chard's big secret? ---------------------- a. She secretly loves Ariana Grande b.She has a YouTube Channel c.She has never left the country d.She doesn't know how to swim
b.She has a YouTube Channel
How do we treat others in this room? ---------------------- a. Neutrally b. With anger and hostility c. Fun and jokingly d. With respect and honesty
d. With respect and honesty