Which job is in charge of erasing, washing, cleaning up the board area?
board inspector
which job takes notes to the office or other teachers, walks students to the office or the nurse if assistance is needed?
postal express
which job is the end of the line?
which job helps retrieve members of class that do not come in when whistle is blown at recess?
Recess police
Which job is in charge of handling and monitoring use of technological equipment, turning off and setting up computers, projector, ipads, etc.
Geek squad
Which job makes sure all desks are lined up, all trash is cleaned up, notebook bins/crates are nice and neat?
classroom inspectors
which job helps get supplies and materials for group activities set up
supply manager
which job is in charge of putting breakfast bags and trash outside?
breakfast helpers
Which job helps pass out papers?
paper returner
which job is in charge of turning on and off the lights when we enter and leave the room?
light helper
which job is in charge of carrying the lunch box crate tot he cafeteria then to recess, then back to the classroom?
lunch crate helpers
Which job organizes the papers and puts them in number order, list of absent students, helps teacher updated class calendar
Which job is in charge of opening the door is someone knocks?
door monitor
which job goes to the bathroom first, then waits inside as whole class uses restroom, holds up fingers for open stalls so students know when to come in?
bathroom monitor
how do you get a job?
fill out an application
Which job helps with any jobs the teacher might have, moves noise level arrow, does bead jar, moves attendance markers, sharpen pencils?
teacher assistant
which job is the front of the line?
line leader
which job sets up the center buckets, checks to make sure all buckets are cleaned up correctly and put away correctly?
center manager
Are you always going to get the job you apply for?
No, teacher will try best to get you in job you applied for but has to do what is going to best benefit the class