What is the first step in the change management process according to Jonah Berger's REDUCE framework?
What is Step 1 in Kotter's 8-Step Change Model?
Create urgency
What are our two mindsets described by Chip and Dan Heath?
The Elephant and the Rider
What is the "A" in the ADKAR Model?
What is the "P" in the PDSA template?
In the REDUCE framework, what does the "E" stand for?
What is Step 3 in Kotter's 8-Step Change Model?
Create a Vision for Change
Name one component of The Switch framework
Direct the Rider. Motivate the Elephant. Shape the Path.
What 2 stages are in the change "transition"?
What is the D in the PDSA template?
In the REDUCE framework, what does the "U" stand for, and how does it help ease the transition during a significant change?
"Uncertainty" helps ease the transition by providing clear information about the change, its purpose, and expected outcomes.
Kotter argues that many change projects fail because victory is declared too...
Shrinking the change makes people feel "big" relative to _________.
The challenge.
What is the final step of the ADKAR model?
What does PIP stand for in the PDSA tool?
Performance improvement plan
How does the concept of "U" in the REDUCE framework relate to creating a smoother transition during a significant change?
Reducing uncertainty involves providing clear information about the change, its purpose, and the expected outcomes.
What step would involve looking for sure-fire projects that to implement without help from any strong critics of the change?
Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins
Briefly explain the differences between the consequences versus identity model.
In the consequences model of decision making, we weigh costs and benefits and make the choice that maximizes our satisfaction. In the identity model, we ask "Who am I?", "What kind of situation is this?", and "What would someone like me do in this situation?" - there is no calculation of costs and benefits.
Give an example of how the ADKAR model can be applied to our prior classroom COVID vaccination conversation
Answers vary
What are next steps from the "Act" test?
Adapt, Adopt, or Abandon
Provide a real-life example of how the REDUCE framework's "C" positively impacts change adoption.
"Corroborating Evidence" helps to persuade individuals. For example, sharing many success stories from other successful teams or organizations can positively impact perceptions.
Kotter suggests that for change to be successful, __ percent of a company's management needs to "buy into" the change.
Give an example of how to shrink the change, using a scenario of your choice
Open response
____ and ____ aim to move you out of the current state.
Awareness and desire
Project leader/manager/coordinator and project team