The best way to monitor students behavior
Is to walk around the classroom
Procedures and rules maintain
appropriate behaviors
Incentives and rewards add
Interest or excitement to the class
2 Categories of behavior that is important
1. Student involvement in learning activities
2. student compliance with rules/procedures
Effective Praises Provide
Informative feedback and approval
Students that are rewarded rather than punished
they respond positively to the teacher
Undesirable inconsistency arise from 3 sources
1. the rules are not reasonable
2. teachers fail to monitor students closely
3. teacher does not enforce rule strongly
When students are working on individual assignments monitoring should be done by
Circulating the classroom and checking students progress
Private Praise for students consists of
Written Notes
Conferences with parents or notes home
Private conversations with students
rewards should
Target the behavior that you are trying to encourage
The inconsistency in the use of procedure
leads students to test the limits by not following the procedures
A teacher should not do these while monitor the classroom
Focus on a few students
"Talk to the chalkboard"
By communicating positive expectations teachers create
An open environment that allows students to attempt new tasks and reach goals
Types of rewards
symbols, recognition, activities, material
Recognition rewards involve
giving attention to the students
A critical monitoring task
checking assignments
When a student knows that their teachers believes in them they are
likely to work harder
A system that encourages competition for scarce rewards will
discourage students
Prompt handling of inappropriate behavior helps
prevent escalation