Some things that are involved in classroom management?
Student Accountability, Classroom Rules, Procedures and Routines, Positive Environment, Planning, and Conducting.
Severe consequences in classrooms.
OSS, ISS, Expolsion, and Detention.
What are the three teaching styles?
Permissive, Authoritarian, & Authoritative.
What are some effective ways of managing a classroom?
Making rules that are simple for students.
Including all of the students.
Praise for positive behavior.
Taking small breaks occasionally.
How can teachers create a positive learning environment for students?
What kind of teacher is an authoritarian teacher?
A harsh, strict, teacher.
Why is classroom management necessary?
Keep children learning, less stress, & organization
Candy, Free Time, Stickers/Stamps, Movie, Bonus Points, and Homework Passes
What kind of teacher is a permissive teacher?
A teacher who allows a more student ran classroom.
What are the five Rs?
Relevant, Repeated, Respect, Reasonable, & Revealed in Advance
Less Free Time, Warnings, Quiet Time, & Contact Parents/Principal
What kind of teacher is authoritative?
A teacher who allows both student and teacher ran classroom.