Strict rules with strict consequences
What is Authoritarian Style?
Avoided when rewarding behavior
What is physical rewards?
Allows students to know what to expect in the classroom
What is (Utilizing) Routines?
Some rules but consequences are inconsistent
What is Permissive Style?
Behavioral standards are based on...
What is age and grade?
Minimizes confusion
What is assigned seating?
High expectation for student behavior but explains why certain behavior are unacceptable
What is Authoritative Style?
Appropriate to the problem behavior
What is the consequence?
Stops minor misbehaviors
What is Monitoring the Classroom?
Permissive Style leads to...
What is a lack of respect towards the teacher?
Works for all ages
What is verbal and written praise?
Minimizes talking
What is Nonverbal Cues?
Authoritarian Style typically lowers
What is student self-esteem?
What is behavioral systems?
Creates consistency in the classroom
What is a Routine?