Mr. C’s statement about the use of technology in the classroom
What is: “We’re Cooked”?
Sort of mindset you should keep when interacting with “troublemakers”.
What is an empathetic and caring mindset?
Attachment Theorist.
Who is John Bowlby?
Three motivation theories.
What is positive/Negative attachment, self determination theory, and achievement goal theory?
Software used for this presentation.
What is mentimeter?
One example of how Mr. C implemented choice in his classroom.
What are: choosing essay prompts (Gr. 10), a creative piece (Gr. 12), or seminars (Gr. 12)
Two theoretical connections in the “Handling Troublemakers” section.
What is behaviorism and humanism?
William James’ Self-Esteem Equation.
What is Success/Pretentions?
Definition of “classroom motivation”?
What is “Classroom motivation is the willingness of students and teachers alike to learn”?
Color of Josh’s laptop.
What is white?
Three benefits of a choice-based classroom.
What is engagement, adaptability and the prioritization of creativity?
Reason why cookie-cutter strategies do not work.
What are the unique differences and experiences between every person?
Classroom Management is often associated with preventing ____, but it also can be about creating a ____ learning environment.
What are “problems,” and “positive”?
Two ways of becoming better at classroom motivations as the educator.
What is practical experience in the classroom overtime and increasing our pedagogical knowledge, building a toolkit of skills which helps us in difficult situations?
Full name of the VIC151 course.
What is Theory and Practice of Teaching: Professional Practice?
Neil Noddings viewed teachers as:
What are “guides” and not “instructors”?
Reason why exclusion is a poor strategy.
What is the vicious cycle of being confused and falling behind?
3 examples of collaborative learning discussed in the presentation:
What is group work, peer tutoring, and guided practice?
Describe how Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs ties into why some students are less motivated to learn than others.
What happens when basic needs are not met, making it hard to focus on learning?
Name everyone’s name in the class present right now.
What is…?
In the Chapter 4 reading, the benefits of choice in classroom says:
What is increasing student ownership of and responsibility for learning?
Message that sends when excluding children.
What is the notion that belonging to the classroom hinges on their ability and willingness to be a certain type of person?
Theorist that states humans are not only shaped by their environment, but humans also shape their environment.
Who is Albert Bandura?
Intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation for this reason.
What is doing things for the sake of doing it because extrinsic motivators can vary or disappear easily?
Topic of yesterday’s VicOne Plenary.
What is “Are we alone? A science journalist’s perspective on the search for life beyond Earth.”?