How many pillars?
How many steps?
What is the base of classroom management and should be reviewed almost in a daily basis?
Defined as:
are a crucial component to allow teachers to be successful in the classroom, sets boundaries and provides distinct boundaries of behavior for your students.
Classroom Rules
What is the name of the classroom management website?
Class Dojo
What are the names of all the pillars?
Respect, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Responsibility, Caring and Citizenship
What is the first step?
Should be reviewed daily and is a guide for the learning of the day and focal point for students and teacher
Defined as:
A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
Daily Objectives
Does Class Dojo require a payment
Whats the color for Respect?
What is the 2nd step?
I do
Daily routine should start with...
Roll Call
What services does GoNoddle have?
Movement videos; energy booster
How can we apply character counts in our classrooms?
As part of the daily routine; 15 minutes of class; weekly planning
What is the 3rd step?
we do
How many are the recommended rules number to have
5 or less
Does jeopardy laps have a cost?
Whats the color of the Responsibility pillar?
What are all the steps? (in order)
Intro, I do, we do, you do, learning recap
Name the two different type of classroom environments.
Physical and Social (Climate of the classroom)
Can you build your own jeopardy laps?