How many stages does a teacher go through and name them?
Fantasy - Survival - Mastery - Impact
What do teachers want to have happen in their classrooms
Moving seamlessly from one activity to another is called
Behavior Change Plans must focus on
Specific, Observable Behavior
A teacher must connect before they can....
What type of teachers do we want in our classrooms?
What is the cheapest form of classroom management
The class layout or design
????? collection is necessary in order to alter behavior thoughtfully and systematically
Data Collection
Using a variety of ?????? maintains student engagement and on-task
Instructional Strategies
Differentiated Instruction
Used to help a student who is continually getting into trouble
Individual Behavior Change Plan
Only teachers are responsible for developing classroom rules. True or False
False. Allow for class input in developing the rules.
What type of assessment is most often used in connection with special education services and includes very detailed data collection methods?
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
Allow students to make ???? before, during, and after an instructional strategy
One type of behavior assessment is called the Functional Behavior Assessment? What is the other mentioned in your book?
Classroom behavior AssessmenB
Standing close to a student is called?
A student should be on a Behavior Change Plan at least ?????
This Varies, It could be a couple of weeks, one (1 month) or more. It depends on how well the plan is written and if the behavior has been modified.
Name of the person who is the Guru of Multiple Intelligence
Howard Gardner
What is one thing right off the bat that a teacher should do as children arrive
Greet them at the door.
A teacher should perform this frequently in order to notice and respond to potential problems or minor disruptions.
Scan the Class
???? should always be a team member when developing an Individual Behavior Change Plan?
The Parent(s)