Define "classroom management"
Teachers establishing an environment that supports academic learning, self-regulation, and social and emotional development.
What's the hardest part of classroom management?
Ability to create and maintain orderly and learning-focused classrooms.
What are lines of communication with parents?
Emails, phone, and text.
Define "withitness"
A teacher's awareness of what's going on in all parts of the classroom at all times, and communicating this awareness to students.
What is negligence?
The failure to exercise sufficient care and protecting students from injury.
What is self-regulation?
The ability to direct and control our actions, thoughts, and emotions to reach academic and personal goals.
The key to an orderly classroom.
A teacher's ability to prevent management problems.
When do you establish links of communication with parents?
The first few days of school and continue it throughout the year.
What are examples of teacher's withitness?
- Identify the misbehavior and quickly respond by moving closer to the student
- Correctly identify the cause of the incident
What is bullying?
A form of peer aggression that involves a systematic or repetitious abuse of power between students
What are the major goals of classroom management?
- Develop learner self-regulation
- Creating a positive classroom climate
- Maximizing time for teaching and learning
What is a part a positive classroom environment?
Having students help come up with the rules.
What is effective communication with parents?
- Positive, clear, and concise
- Uses nontechnical language
Define "constructive assertiveness"
Communicating your concerns clearly, insisting that misbehavior be corrected, and resisting being coerced or manipulated
What is the biggest management problem in schools?
Define "Classroom Climate"
The shared beliefs, values, and attitudes that set the parameters for acceptable behavior and shape interactions between students and students, and students with each other.
What are some ways to maximize time for teaching and learning?
- Allocated time
- Instructional time
- Engaged time
- Academic learning time
How do you conduct a parent-teacher conference?
- Make the parent feel comfortable and let them talk
- Say something positive about the student if it's sincere
- Propose an action plan for resolving the issue or problem if the conference focuses on a behavioral or academic problem
What are some key component of intervening when misbehavior occurs?
- Be consistent
- Follow through
- Keep verbal and nonverbal behaviors congruent
- Constructive assertiveness
What is cyberbullying?
A form of bullying that occurs when students use electronic media to harass or intimidate other students.
What is the foundation of a positive classroom climate?
When is the most important time to establish the classroom behavior pattern?
How do you motivate kids more?
- Involve parents including parents' participation in school activities
- Teachers increase understanding of learner's home environments contribute to higher achievement
What are elements of culturally responsive classroom management?
- Becoming personally aware of possible cultural biases
- Learning about students' cultural heritage, neighborhoods, and home environments
- Creating an inclusive learning environment
- Maintaining consistency
Ways to combat bullying.
- Talk to bullies in private
- Discuss more socially acceptable ways to express themselves
- School-wide and include all members of the school community so that way there's consequences that exist for bullying that will the person less likely to bully
- Focus on aspects of self-regulation, impulse control, emotional regulation, and self-socialization