What is the tiltle of Today's Session?
Classroom Management
How many objectives of Today's Session?
How many slides of Today's presentation?
How many components that form the classroom structure?
True Or False..
Documentation is considered to be one of the main causes of how things get out of control.
What does the subtitle talk about?
Creating a positive, Engaging, and tructured Classroom
How many definitions of the classroom management were listed in Today's presentation?
Who wrote the following definition:
“Classroom management is all the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that students learning can take place.”?
Wong & Wong (2009)
Who wrote the following definition:
“Classroom management is the actions teachers take to create an enviornment that supports and facilitates academic and social-emotional learning.”?
Everston and Weinstein (2006)
Who wrote the below definition:
Classroom management is the teacher’s ability to foster student responsibilty, cooperation, and motivation to develop a classroom enviornment conducive to both academic and social-emotional learning.”?
Marzano (2003)
What are the Only way that will teachers to survive as per the presentation? Name One
You MUST have a system to adress students with off-task behaviour
You MUST have a way to keep contact with parents
You MUST have a way to document everything that is happening
What are the steps that you should adopt at the First Day of the School? Mention One
Seating Chart
KWL Chart
Discipline Room
Student information Sheets
Data Wall
Focus Wall
House Points
Individual Reward Chart
Where to put the below sentence?
Many teachers are intimidated to call parents because they don’t know if the parents will support or argue
A. Contact the parents
B. Documentation
C. Imposing a system
On which slide is "Overview of Today’s Session" written?
On which slide can you find the Classroom management definitions?
Name the things that led the classroom to get out of Control.
You don’t want to rock the boat
Students start to take advantage of your niceness
Parents’ resistence
Complaints against you
No documentation
No support from administration
Why documenting everything that is happening is a MUST?
Documentation is your weapon to use against people who accuse you of being unfair
It helps you keep track of where your students are in your disciplinary hierarchy
Why imposing a system into the classrom to address the off-task behaviour is a MUST?
Students must have opportunity to correct their own behaviour
Teachers must be able to handle minor infractions at the classroom level without involoving administration
As listed into today's presentation, why teachers are intimidated to call parents?
Because they don’t know if the parents will support or argue
What are the steps you should embrace when implementing the Seating Chart?
Name 3 Steps
Greet your classroom
Ask them to stand up and move to the back of the room
Point at a desk, and say a name
That will be their new seat
This establishes you as the authority figure in the room
You don’t have to stumble through taking roll everyday
How many steps should you consider when making a discipline plan and name them?
Severe Clause
What are the rules mentioned of the Discipline Plan?
Do not talk without permission
Do not get out of your seat without permission
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourseld
Come to class prepared
Do not make comments or laugh when someone else id being corrected
How well-planned seating arrangements and placement of students help them?
They help maintaining their focus and encourage these students to pay attention and participate
What happens if you place your desk in the back of the classroom?
It promotes a student-centered environment
It provides workspace for you while allowing you to keep an eye on your students.
Students can talk with you without being observed by others.
What happens if you place your desk in the front of the classroom?
It promotes a teacher-directed environment
It allows you to see most areas of the classroom and monitor students at work.
It does not, however, allow for private conferences with individual students.