Morning Routine
iPad Etiquette
Clean up/Transition Expectations
Independent Work Expectations
Leaving the Room

Where do you look for information about what to do when you enter the room in the morning?

The white board, the morning message


True or false: I can use google on my iPad if I really can't find something on the app I was told to use.

False. Google is never an allowed app. 


True or false: classroom transitions are a good time to chat with friends?

False! You should begin transitioning the moment the timer is put on. The goal is to be ready BEFORE the timer goes off, so the class can earn time.


True or false: independent work time is a good moment to find a seat by a friend

False. During independent work time, you should find a seat where you can focus best.


How many people are allowed out of the room at a time?



I walk into the room with all my materials for the day. Then, I see a friend from 4G that I need to talk to. I leave the room to talk to that friend. Did I make the right choice and why?

No, this student did not! Each morning, you should enter the classroom right when you arrive and bring everything you need. Then, you should do your morning routine. If you need to leave the classroom during arrival, you need to ask permission.


I really want to change my iPad background to my new favorite athlete. During SELFIE time, I complete my Jamboard work and then ask a teacher if I can find a new picture on kidsearch. Did I make good choices and why?

Yes! You choose an appropriate time to ask and an appropriate search engine to use.


Where can you look to see what you need during a transition?

On the board, on the you need


I have a question about something in my Reader's Workshop assignment, and I can see there is a long queue in front of the teacher. What are two things I can do to use my time wisely?

You could go back and look at directions or teacher examples, you can move on to the next part of the assignment while you wait for help, you can take a minute to pause and think, you can reread what you already have and make edits.


I leave the room after instructions to use the restroom. When I come out, I see a friend from 4G working on a math project. I ask them what they're doing and chat with them for a few minutes. Did I make good choices and why?

No, this is not a good choice. If you need to use the restroom during independent work time, you should be efficient. By chatting with your peer in 4G, you have distracted them and lost valuable work time for yourself.


It is 8:59 and I see the teacher walking towards the chime. I put away my book and find a seat on the rug, making sure not to sit near the door so those who are late will have space. Did I make good choices and why?

Yes, this student made excellent choices! They were an anchor for the group and thoughtful about where they sat.


I need to take my iPad home to finish an IXL, so I quickly put it in my backpack after learning lab. Did I make good choices and why?

No, you always need to ask a teacher if you would like to take your iPad home for school work.


You are a board boss. The class is transitioning from Writer's Workshop to social studies. You put away your materials and then erase the board. Did you make good choices and why?

Yes! You first took care of your own space and then picked an appropriate time to do your class job.


You are feeling very antsy during independent work time. You're received a few reminders. You ask a teacher if you can take a fourth grade lap to improve your focus. Did you make good choices and why?

Yes! Fourth grade laps can be helpful to get back into the zone. Everyone needs breaks now and then.


What do you NEED to do if you are leaving the classroom to take care of personal needs, assuming it is a good time to do so.

Put your name tag on the out of the classroom board.


True or false: the directions on the board are optional.

False! You should always read and complete the morning task if you have time. 

When recording a seesaw video, what are three things you should always do.

Find a quiet space, use headphone, speak into the microphone, do not move your iPad while filming, listen back to check the sound quality, and know what you're going to say before you begin filming.


Where should a writing worksheet you are still working on go during a transition (be specific)?

Your ACADEMIC folder in your cubby


About how long should it take you once you have all your materials to settle into independent work?

A minute or less.

You leave the room to go pack up during the end of learning lab. A friend in the hall tags you and says, "You're it." You shake your head at your friend and continue to pack up. Did you make good choices and why?

Yes! The hallway is not a safe place for tag games. You also did an excellent job letting your friend know you did not want to play.


What are the two options if you have finished morning routine and where do those options take place?

Read at your home base seat or chat on the rug.


It is writer's workshop and I am working on my picture book. I want to know if I have to stay in during SELFIE time, so I check the Jamboard. Did I make a good choice and why?

No, during independent work, you should be focused on the subject. You can always stay in for 2 minutes of SELFIE time to check the Jamboard.


Name four things you might do during a classroom transition.

Put away materials, get out materials, use the restroom, grab water, do your job, check in with a teacher, take a fourth grade lap (after asking a teacher)


You are working on your letter in Writer's Workshop. You cannot remember what a salutation is. What are two things you can do to help yourself BEFORE asking a teacher? 

Look at the teacher example, look at the board for directions, or quietly ask the person next to you.


Name three great times during the day to use the restroom and two times when you should try to avoid using the restroom.

Great times: recess, lunch, transitions during subjects, SELFIE time
Times to Avoid: instruction, specials, morning meeting, time on the rug/circle time
