Only one person is speaking at at time, while others are listening. What is this rule called?
One Mic
What do you have to copy down when you come in?
What do you do if you need to use the bathroom?
You put up the bathroom signal for it, then wait for a yes or thumbs up by a teacher.
When do you leave to go to your next class?
When you are dismissed
How does the sharperner signal look like?
Show how to do it
Treat others the way you want to be treated. What's the name of this rule?
Golden Rule
How should transitions be like?
Quiet and calm
What do you grab when you go to the bathroom?
The bathroom pass
What position do the chromebooks need to be in before you leave?
Ready position
What do you do when you need to sharpen your pencil?
Show the hand signal for it
How do you treat others?
You treat others the way you want to be treated.
What do you do when you come into class?
Sit down quietly, copy homework in planner, do your do now/warm-up.
Where is the bathrrom pass?
At a station next to the door
What do you do when you are the last chort for a class?
Put up the chairs
When is a good time to sharpen your pencil?
When your teacher isn't talking