Where are our Class Rules located?
At the back of the room.
What should you bring to class every day?
Chromebook charged, something to write with
Where are our class consequences located?
At the back of the room.
What is the correct / effective way to wear a mask?
Covering your nose and mouth
Rule #1 - Listen while the central speaker is talking.
Explain what this should look like (include at least 3 examples)
Answers may vary.
Where should you put your science notebook?
In the drawer that belongs to your class period.
What are some things that you can earn as a reward?
Email home, starbursts, free time, choose seats
Where is our hand sanitizer located?
By Ms. Domenici's desk
Rule #2 - Follow all directions carefully.
What is the FIRST in doing this?
Listen / read the directions
Class is almost over. What is our packing up procedure?
Clean desk, pick up trash around desk, push in chair.
You have received 1 warning to put your phone away. What will happen if Ms. Domenici sees it again?
Put it on her desk
What areas is it okay to take our masks off?
Rule #3 - Cheer each other on.
CHEER SOMEONE ON! Give a specific example.
Answers may vary.
If Ms. Domenici sees your phone, what will happen?
She will take it.
You threw paper across the room. What is the NATURAL consequence for this?
Pick up what you threw
Your mask broke. Where can you get a new mask?
Nurse's office, or Ms. Domenici!
Where should your cellphone be during class?
In your backpack.
What should you do if you are absent?
Contact your absent buddy to see what you've missed. You may also email Ms. Domenici
You have already received 3 warnings. What will the consequence be if you earn a 4th warning?
Behavior Action Plan + Lunch detention
How long do you need to wash your hands for?
20 seconds!
Or the length of...Happy Birthday, Jolene, Somewhere Over the Rainbow..