What is one of the first things you should do when you come in the morning?
Read board, hang up backpack, unpack everything needed for the day
What is one of Ms. Han's non-negotiables?
Keep negative/unnecessary thoughts to yourself
What should you do when you need to use the bathroom?
Give the bathroom signal
What is a sport Ms. Han plays?
Tennis, flag football
When is a good time to use the bathroom and get water?
During breaks, whole class bathroom breaks after specials and lunch
What is one way you can show kindness to one another?
Say hello/goodbye, say thank you, invite others to sit with you at lunch or play at recess, help each other when you have questions, and MORE
How do I know I should come in from recess?
Ms. Han will use her whistle- make sure to be watching around you for your classmates. If they're all gone, this probably means we're lining up! Pay attention whenever you hear a whistle.
What school did Ms. Han go to?
University of Virginia
What order do we line up in?
Number order
What is a non-negotiable?
A rule/class norm that must be followed- no arguments!
TRUE or FALSE: I can go use the bathroom by myself
FALSE- you should always have a partner! Ms. Han will be assigning Hallway Homies :)
How many brothers does Ms. Han have?
0! (only 2 sisters)
Coyote folder, chromebook, snack, water bottle, agenda
What does it look/sound like to show respect to one another? (2 examples)
Listening to each other, disagreeing politely, keeping hands to self, letting other people have a turn
What does it look like to turn & talk with a partner?
Turn body to face partner, make eye contact, 1 person shares and then the other shares
TRUE or FALSE: Ms. Han broken a finger
What are the steps to lining up?
Wait to be called to line up, push in chair, walk to correct spot in line, keep hands to self/voices off
Why do we have class non-negotiables?
To create a fun, safe, encouraging environment for us to learn!
At the end of the day, what are 3 things we should do to get ready for dismissal?
Stack chairs, place book bag on desk, put chromebook/folder/agenda in backpack, sit on carpet once packed up, clean up your area
What is Ms. Han's first name?