What is the scissors?
las tijeras
What is the fan?
el ventilador
What is the eraser?
el borrador
What is the poster?
el cartel
What is the tape?
la cinta
What is the computer?
la computadora
What is the notebook?
el cuaderno
What is the dictionary?
el diccionario
What is the desk?
el escritorio
What is the student (male/female)?
el/la estudiante
What is the pencil eraser?
la goma
What is the pencil?
el lapiz
What is the book?
el libro
What is the map?
el mapa
What is the table?
la mesa
What is the backpack?
la mochila
What is paper?
el papel
What is the pen?
el lapicero
What is teacher?
What is the whiteboard?
el pizarron
What is the student desk?
el pupitre
What is the ruler?
la regla
What is the pencil sharpener?
el sacapuntas
What is the chair?
la silla
What is the marker?
el marcador