Every day at the beginning of class we do _._._. This is when we read for fifteen minutes. Every day when you walk in, immediately grab your ________ and begin reading.
DIR, book
What part of the school day is used for enrichment or intervention? At this time, you can make up CFAs, complete classwork, or get extra help.
Because a lot of classes are hybrid, if you are in person you need to be ______ so that the remote students can hear.
Absolutely NO ________. Unless it is an emergency, and no, TikTok is not an emergency, I should never see these.
I want to have a great school day (everyday, every day) with you all, so let's follow these rules.
every day
If I say "Signal Please" or "Show me signal" and hold up a ____ with my hands, you need to quiet down in 5 seconds or less.
T (timeout hands)
What website do you use to sign up for SOAR?
Enriching Students
What do we start every class with? Hint hint, it makes me happy.
Good Things
Smaller misbehavior such as phones, headphones, hoods, swearing, etc. will result in a what?
Classroom Referral
I think that rules (maybe, may be) the most boring thing to go over, but they are so important.
may be
A PFHS non-negotiable is that you cannot _____ during class. This prevents messes, noisy distractions, and helps the school not get bugs.
What do you need to have on your body to be able to go to the bathroom, lunch, etc.?
Your badge.
Bigger offenses such as bullying, violence, major disruptions, etc. will result in a what?
Office Referral
I want ___ be the most structured classroom in the whole school even though it seems like I have ___ many rules. (to, two, too)
to, too
What do you need in class every. single. day. to be successful? Hint hint, we do everything on Google Classroom.
A charged Chromebook!
Pine Forest uses a kind of different grading system to ensure students can improve upon their old scores and continue to grow. What is this grading system called?
Standards Based Grading
What is the big test coming up this spring? We will be preparing by writing essays soon.
FSA - Florida Standards Assessment
Dress code says no:
- _____(y) shirts
- Pants ______(ing)
- Big ______(s) in your jeans
The (principle, principal) of Pine Forest will be so impressed when she visits our room and we are so well behaved.
Unless you are told to clean up materials, grab a Chromebook, book, pencil, etc., you should remain _________. You must ______ to move around the room.
seated, ask
You go to whatever your teacher has during 3rd or 4th.
Name a couple places where your backpacks can be. I don't want to trip!
On a hook on the wall
Underneath your desk
Hooked on the back of your chair
The main reason that ___________ are not allowed, is that in case of an emergency, you will not be able to hear what is happening.
These rules are going to have such a positive (effect, affect) on our classroom environment.