The days we go to PE.
What are Tuesday and Thursday.
This job is the person that stands at the front of the line.
Who is the line leader?
I need to remember this during dismissal.
What is my color?
This year we go to Mass on ____________.
What is Wednesday?
In addition to social studies and religion Mrs. Rutter teaches me _________________.
What are math and science?
The days we have art.
What is Monday?
Jobs change every _____________.
What is two weeks?
I can find my morning work in this spot.
What are the Daily Slides on the ClearTouch?
This year early dismissal is on ____________.
What is Wednesday?
Mrs. Shalna teaches me __________.
What is english, reading, and spelling.
This happens on Wednesday and Thursday.
What is Spanish.
This job is responsible for writing the homework on the back white board.
What is the librarian?
When the line is too long at Mrs. Rutter's desk she will say SOS and those in line will ________________.
What is write their number on the board and sit back down?
If I do an exceptional job or something without being asked I could _______________.
What is get my name on the WOW Board?
I have recess ___ days a week.
What is four.
This happens on Wednesday.
What is music?
This job is responsible for writing the special intentions on the prayer board.
Who is the prayer board person?
This is where your phone should be.
What is in your backpack (off)?
I can borrow the stuff __________ if I return them in good condition.
What is on the bookcase?
I have religion ___ days a week.
What is 4 (on the 5th day we go to Mass)?
The time we have lunch.
What is 11:35?
This job is to make sure that our room stays clean.
Who are the cleaners?
This noise tells me I am being to loud.
What is a doorbell?
Only the librarians can touch the ____________.
What is the homework board?
Mrs. Rutter has ____ kids. Her son lives in _______ and her daughter is in ________.
What is 2, Tampa, and college at Auburn.