Where are our S.O.P's hung?
On the green bulletin board
How many pencils should be in our tool tubs?
4 SHARP pencils
Where is the community tub located?
By our door
Does everyone in the classroom need to know that I need to use the bathroom?
NO! When it is an appropriate time, please sign-out and GO!
What is an appropriate voice level when we are working?
Level 0- Silent
Level 1- Whisper Voice
(Give 2 examples)
~Pencil Problems
~Brain Breaks
~Bathroom Use
~Morning Routines
~Lining Up
~Using Scissors
~Instruction Time
~Independent Time
~Community Tub
Where can I get a NEW sharp pencil?
Back on the grey filing cabinet, by the green bulletin board.
Where do our supply tubs belong?
In the front of the room, below the book shelf
What are two things that I need to do in order use the restroom?
Turn on the light
If music is playing we should....
Be quieter than the music
How can we help new students understand our classroom S.O.P's?
~Modeling them to them
~Sharing them with them
~Showing them the S.O.P cards
When is it a good time to sharpen a pencil?
When I am working independently
When I use an item from the community tub, what should I do with it?
Put it BACK! That is why we call it the "community tub," we borrow it and then put it back for someone else to use.
How many people can go to the restroom at a time?
1~ We are not having a party in the bathroom!
How do we show respect to someone who is talking or teaching??
Our mouths are off
Our bodies are still
We are in our seats
We are facing the speaker
Why do we have S.O.P's in our classrooms?
These are expectations that we have agreed upon that will allow for each of us to be successful within the classroom.
How long does a pencil need to be in order for it to be okay to be sharpened in the sharpener?
Longer than your pointer finger
How should tool tubs be put away?
With all the color pencils in the box, markers in the box, crayons in the box, and no other items shoved in them.
If I am working in a group, what MUST I do??
Ask my group if I am able to use the restroom-- if they say 'yes', then I may go
If we do a brain break, and I don't want to participate I can....
Sit at my desk silently until the brain break is over
What does S.O.P stand for?
What should I do if ALL of the pencils are gone!?!?
When it is appropriate time, ask Mrs. Sanchez for new pencils for the pencil tubs.
Where does our community glue belong now?
In the red basket in front of Mrs. Sanchez's desk
When is it an appropriate time to use the bathroom?
~Independent Time
When Mrs. Sanchez is not teaching
When I am not in a small group with Mrs. Sanchez
We earn more brain breaks by...
Going back to our seat quickly and quietly