where do we put our backpacks in the morning?
In the closet
How do we line up?
In ABC order at a level zero.
How is our classroom library organized?
By DRA level
How can we earn pom poms for our class jar?
By keeping the classroom clean and organized?
When do you line up for dismissal?
After you have gotten your planner signed and you're packed up.
What do we leave on our desks in the morning after we unpack?
Planners and homework
When are we allowed to go back into our backpacks?
Not until dismissal. Unless you have permission from the teacher.
Where do we keep our books that we're currently reading?
In our book box
What is the consequence of earning 3 tallies during math time?
lost recess
At what voice level do we walk to the office?
What voice level should we be at in the morning before the school day begins?
1 or 2
What do we do when Ms. Wilson uses an attention-getter? For example, Hocus Pocus....Everybody focus.
You go to a level zero and look at her waiting for directions or information.
What books are you allowed to read in the classroom?
The books in the bins only.
Name 2 ways to earn a ticket.
Reading independently at a level zero or having your homework done.
What voice level should you be at in the car rider room or on the bus?
level 1
What are 2 things that you need to add to your morning routine on Mondays?
Check your job and write down vocabulary words.
What kind of effort are you expected to place in your classwork.
Your best!
Where do we go during a read aloud?
to the front carpet
What is the consequence for not following our essential agreements?
A clip down
What voice level should you be at when you are in the dismissal line but haven't been dismissed yet?
A level 1 unless you have been told to be at a level 0
Where do we look if we are not sure what to do in the morning?
At the board
How do we communicate that we are finished with a task?
Thumb up
What do we do when we finish reading a book from the classroom library?
You carefully place it back in the correct bin.
How can we earn a surprise treat the day before spring break?
By keeping our name tags nice and on our desk.
What do we do when Ms. Wilson says 1-2-3-A-B-C?
Stand up, tuck in our chair, and line up in alphabetical order.