enter the class?
Quietly and quickly
when I first walk in the classroom for the day?
Put your book sack in your cubby and bring whatever supplies you will need for the day to your desk.
put notes from home or doctor?
These should be put on my desk when you first come in in the morning.
get water?
You may keep a bottle of water in your cubby to drink during transitions. This is only after you are ready to start the next assignment.
I do if I've been absent?
Turn in doctors note to teacher (if you have one). There will be a "We missed you" folder and you are expected to grab your work from there.
know the daily schedule?
It will be posted on the board.
Write it down in your agenda. Until your parents replenish your supplies, see if one of your group members will let you borrow what you need.
turn HW in at?
In your group's basket when you come in in the morning.
sharpen my pencil?
Before the bell rings in the morning. After then, you are expected to switch out pencils in your bag.
my desk look like?
There should never be trash inside of it. You should only have out what you need on top of it. There should never be any trash on the floor around it.
know what I need to do?
You should listen to your teacher for verbal directions. They will also be listed on the board.
when I finish early?
You may borrow a classroom library book during this time. Sometimes I will have early finisher worksheets. It will vary day-to-day, but I will have it listed on the board.
find the morning work?
It will be projected or written on the board.
use the restroom?
Anytime during bell ringer assignments, or as needed. We will also have designated times as I see fit throughout the day.
hall behavior look like?
get my teacher's attention?
when announcements come on, the office buzzes the room, or my teacher is taking attendance?
Immediately stop talking and listen.
find kleenex, GermX, and the trash can?
Each group has their own near them.
leave the classroom?
The bell does not dismiss you. I do based on if your area is clean and you are ready to leave.
group work look like?
during a fire drill, weather drill, or intruder drill?
Immediately stop and look at me for directions. There should be no talking during this time.
turn in classwork?
Hold it at your desk until I come and pick it up OR I will say to turn it into the basket, depending on what it is.