What is the hand signal for a comment?
Sign language letter "c"
When I say, "All Set," you say...
"You bet!"
How many people can use the restroom at once?
Name one way to earn a Class Dojo point.
Being respectful, working as a team, staying on task, etc.
What should I bring to school to avoid drinking from the water fountains?
A water bottle labeled with your name
What should we do if we have a question?
Raise your hand
When I say "Yoohoo," you say
"Big summer blow out!"
What is the restroom hand signal?
Sign language letter "r"
Name one Dojo prize
Sticker, Pencil, Keychain, Eraser, or Squishy Animal
Before recess snack, we will all take turns to ______________.
Wash our hands
How should we behave when we're waiting in line?
Standing up straight, facing forward, quiet, etc.
When I say, "Mac and cheese," you say...
"Everybody freeze!"
How do I get to the nearest restroom?
Across through the doors and to the left
Where will Ms. Nielson put your Dojo Dollars?
In your desk
When do we sanitize our hands?
Every time we walk in and out of the room
What is the loudest speaking volume level in the classroom called?
Presentation Mode
When I say, "Ready to Rock?" you say...
"Ready to Roll!"
What should you put between the door when you leave for the restroom?
The door stopper
How often do we do Dojo Pay Days?
How long should we be washing our hands for?
20 seconds
What will be on the agenda every morning?
Morning meeting
When I say, "Attention Robots," you say...
"Beep Boop Bop!"
What will you put out on your desk while you use the restroom?
Bathroom pass
How many dojo points does it take to get to a Dojo dollar?
10 points
Where should we put our masks if we want to take them off before recess?
In our backpacks