How will I call tables to line up?
A Yellow Highlighter
What color does Mr. Kuterbach's class use to highlight names on their papers before they turn in work?
Goodmorning Everyone!
How often should I bring my chrome book to class?
As long as I clean up after myself and don't distract anyone.
Can I eat in class?
Volume level Zero
Blue Chairs
1-2 Eyes on You
What do you say when I say "1-2-3 Eyes on me"
What is one of the studios that we'll be using in class?
What time is lunch?
Gather materials and put them away
What do I do with my work before I line up?
Pink Highlighter
What should I use to highlight my name on my paper to turn in my work if I'm in Mrs.Alvarado's homeroom?
What do you say when I say "silencio!"
Should I bring a water bottle to class?
Wait Patiently
What do I do if I haven't been called to line up yet?
Calmly and politely.
How should I give my work to my classmate to turn it in?
What do you say when I say "L-I-S!"
Happy Fox
Who do I contact if I have a problem with my chrome book?
7 for Alvarado, 8 for Kuterbach
What lunch table do I sit at?
Leave everything and silently line up when called.
What do I do if there is an emergency drill?
What should I always write on my paper?
Everybody Focus!
What do you say when I say "hocus pocus!"?
How should I bring my chrome book every day?
Is lunch before or after recess?