Where should you eat your breakfast?
If you brought a lunch from home, what do you need to have with you?
Lunch box
Where does your handwriting book go?
drawer by Ms.Thomas's desk
How many squirts of soap do you use?
Where do you turn in your work?
Green turn in bin
Where does breakfast trash go?
Red Bin
Where does my lunch tag go after I scan it?
Where do your good fit books go?
book bins
How many towels do you use to dry your hands?
What should you do if you break your pencil?
put in dull bin, grab a sharp
How do you separate your breakfast trash?
bags on one side
milk & juice on the other
Where do you sit?
at a number on one of our class tables
How many folders and notebooks should you have in your desk?
2 folders
2 notebooks
What does the F stand for in F.L.U.S.H.
Floors stay dry
How do you ask to use the restroom when Ms. Thomas is teaching?
hand signal
What should you do when you are done eating or do not want to eat?
Where do you go after lunch?
How many pencils should you have at your desk?
What kind of voices should be used in the bathroom?
soft voices
What goes in your take-home folder?
stuff from your mailbox
What can you do with food leftover from breakfast?
Save for snack
How do you carry your tray?
walking feet
two hands
what happens if we aren't using supplies correctly?
don't get to use them
What do you do when you're done in the bathroom?
line up or walk back to class
3 ways you can earn dojo points?
helping a friend, be on task, participate, clean up, ...