Where do you turn in your work?
The basket
Where should you be when Mrs. Ferguson is teaching?
Sitting at your assigned seat
What should you do if you need a tissue?
Get up and get one
What all do you need to do Daily Math?
White board
paper towel
What team is Miss Shannon's favorite football team?
What will happen if you do not turn in your work?
You will get a 0 (zero)
What should you be doing while Mrs. Ferguson is talking?
Listening and following along
What should you do if you need to sharpen your pencil?
Get up and sharpen it. If Miss Shannon is talking, wait until she pauses.
When it is time for Daily Math, and Mrs. Ferguson says "Send one person to get everyone a white board," what should you do?
Choose one person to get white boards for everyone
Make sure you are taking turns
Where did Miss Shannon grow up?
Should you always try your best when completing work?
What voice level should you have while Mrs. Ferguson is teaching?
Level zero
What should you do when you need a pencil?
Ask a friend to borrow one
Ask Miss Shannon (when she is not giving instructions) to borrow one.
How should you handle Mrs. Ferguson's white boards and markers?
With care
Do not slam boards on desks
Do not waste the markers
How many followers does Miss Shannon have on TikTok?
*look at TikTok now to see*
If you have your phone out during class, what will Mrs. Ferguson do?
Give you a warning and then take it away.
What should you do when you walk into the classroom?
Take your seat and be ready to learn
Should you do your own work on each question or should you look at other student's boards for the answer?
Do your own work!
When did Mrs. Ferguson get married?
December 21st, 2021
Where can you look to find what assignments you are missing?
Canvas: Math Course, Grades, there you will see all of your missing work
What should you do if someone near you is talking or distracting others while Mrs. Ferguson is talking?
Show them the "T" signal
Ask them to be quiet
What should you do if you want to use the restroom?
Make an E-Hall Pass. Wait for Miss Shannon to approve it.
You DO NOT need to ask her. Making the pass is your way of asking her
Do you shout out the answers or write them on your board?
Write them on the board
What is Mrs. Ferguson's husband's name? Spell it too