What should go at the top of all papers?
First and last name
What should you do at the end of the class period? Name 2 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Wipe down your chair and stand.
Show respect for who? Atleast 2 people.
For yourself
To your teachers
To your classmates
To class property/material
Use a polite tone and courteous manner when speaking with the teacher and peers.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
When do you turn in your Do Now/Rhythm Sheet?
When should you go put your instrument away?
When Ms. Duke calls your row.
What do you raise your hand for?
Raise your hand for questions, to speak, or get permission to move within the room.
When and where should you get breakfast?
Before I come to class, in your homeroom.
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher isn't talking/teaching.
What is the procedure for getting a pencil?
Raise your hand and as permission.
Who can ear rewards in the classroom?
The entire class
When should you leave your seat?
Never! Stay seated unless given permission.
What should you start working on after getting your instrument?
Do now/Rhythm sheet
When we take our class bathroom breaks how do we enter the bathroom? (1 at a time, 2 at a time, 3 at a time, or 4 at a time.
2 at a time.
What is our 3 minute timer for?
Silent work time.
I need to go to the nurse I should...
Ask permission
Go to the nurse
When should you eat in the band room?
Never! Only water is allowed.
Where can you find your morning work in Mrs.Black's class? in Mrs. Campbell's class?
Mrs. Campbell: Back counter
What is a reason why I may not let you go to the bathroom.
You have asked to go too many times in a day.
Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking).
Someone is already in the bathroom
What is the two minute timer for?
Turn and talk time.
What time does school start?
What time is dismissal?
What are our expectations? Name 2.
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be excellent
Be in your assigned seat at all times during the class period.