What do I do if I have a question?
Raise your hand.
What do I do if I need a tissue?
Put 4 fingers up in the air
What do I do if I need a drink?
Put 3 fingers in the air
Can we talk in the hallway when we are in line?
True or false? The janitor will clean up my mess at the end of the day.
How do we line up?
In number order
Where do I turn in assignments?
-In the back in the black basket
Can I keep food in my desk?
How many sharpened pencils do I need at the beginning of the day?
Can I put mail in Mrs.Hyer's mailbox?
What do I do if I need to go to the bathroom?
-Cross fingers
-Wait for permission
-Put bathroom pass on desk
What does it mean to "pretzel"?
-Cross your arms
-Look at the teacher
What happens if I get 2 strikes on the strikeboard?
Conversation with Mrs. Hyer
Where is table 4?
By Mrs.Hyer's desk
How do you spell your teachers name?
What are our 3 class rules?
Be respectful, be responsible, be safe
Where is the closet bathroom to our classroom?
Out the pod to the left
What happens if I get 3 strikes on the strikeboard?
Phone call home
How can I earn punches on my punchcard?
-No strikes on strikeboard
What dot do we line up on in the morning?
What does it mean to get "rockstar ready?"
-Enter the building quietly
-Turn in any papers
-Drop off your backpack
-Put your lunch in the bin
-Sit down at your seat
-Make sure you have 2 sharpened pencils
-Write in your planner
What do I do at the end of the day?
-Complete your classroom job (if applicable)
-Clean up the floor around your desk
-Straighten your desk
-Clean your desk (throw away any paper or trash)
-Place your punch card on top of your desk
-Push in your chair
-Check your mailbox
-Sit down at the front of the room for our end of the day meeting
How long is fun Friday?
-10 minutes plus or minus the amount of time the class earned that week
What is our classroom room number?
What is the full name of the school we go to?
Ethel W. Staton Elementary