What are the first 2 things you should do when you enter the classroom?
Go to your desk and start working.
Turn in homework/folder and begin working.
Where do I turn in assignments?
The black tray on the back table.
What time does school start?
Where do we hold Circle Time?
On the sofa.
What is the first level?
What is my Daily homework?
Parent signing my communication sheet and returning it the next day.
What is the first thing I should do with all assignments?
Write my name on the top of the paper.
What time is morning break/snack?
When is Circle Time?
After announcements and restroom break.
How many bonds do you need to move to the next level the first time?
What should I do with my phone?
Turn it off and put it away or turn it in to the staff.
What if I am absent?
I have one week to complete and turn in missing work.
What time is PE?
Can I tell my parents what is shared by a peer during Circle Time?
No, what is discussed in Circle stays in Circle.
When do you get to use your points?
At the end of the day or to purchase items needed during the day such as snack or pencils.
What should I do when I'm dropped off in the morning?
Wait for staff at the bus bay.
Who is responsible for doing my classwork?
What time do we go to buses (Monday-Thursday)?
What is the purpose of Circle Time?
To get to know each other better in a safe place.
Who is responsible for writing in the points as you earn them?
Me, the student, I am.
When is lunch?
When you earn a negative consequence you must talk to staff and practice the skill to earn half the points back. True or False?