How do you know what to do with your chromebook?
It is on the front board an/or Mrs. Smith will Tell Me
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Raise your hand
What should you do during note/work time
Complete what is asked and TRY
Where do you get a pencil, paper, pens, any other supplies that you need?
Back of the classroom under the pink student resource sign
What should you do at the end of the period? Name 2 things.
Wait for Mrs. Smith to tell you to pack up and stay in your seat
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! raise your hand
When should you get out of your seat and talk to someone else?
Never, unless given permission from Mrs. Smith
Where can you learn about up coming test and quizzes?
Back board on the testing calendar or on Canvas
What do you need to do if you have been given a pass?
Sign in and Sign out on Mrs. Smith's pass sheet
How do you know if you are supposed to be working independently or in groups?
Mrs. Smith will tell me and it will be on the front board
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher isn't talking/teaching (independent work time).
Where should you be when you are in the classroom?
In your assigned seat.
How do you check out a book and return it?
Check out: Scan the QR code, fill out the form
Return: Scan the QR code, fill out the form, and put the book in the pink basket
How can you earn Flash Bucks in Mrs. Smith's class?
Doing the right thing
Helping another classmate
Consistently making good choices
Trying your best!
Working through a struggle
Staying in seat
Being on task
Showing respect to classmates and teacher
What should you pick up before the bell rings?
Calculator or any other needed supplies
How many bathroom passes do you get for a nine weeks?
5 per nine weeks
What should you do if you finish early?
Work on IXL, Read, Study, or complete one of the activities from the finish early files
Where can you get work that you missed from being absent?
Purple crate, under pink absent sign, on the back table, near Mrs. Smith's desk
What should you bring to class everyday?
Electronic Device
Homework/Study Materials
A Good Attitude
How do you know if you are allowed to listen to music or not?
Mrs. Smith will tell me and it will be on the front board
What is a reason why I may not let you go to the bathroom.
You have used all of your passes for the nine weeks
Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking).
Who releases you from class?
Mrs. Smith.... Not the bell
Where should you turn in work?
In the grey tray, on top of the extra work file, on the back table, near Mrs. Smith's desk.
An Office Referral