What is the student's job at school?
To be respectful learners!
How do we enter class? (hallway)
line up in the hallway quietly
(may need 2 lines- whichever line is quietest gets to go in first)
When should I sharpen my pencil?
Before the timer goes off
During work time
NOT while the teacher is talking
Where are coloring sheets found?
Under the purple mountain
T or F: Students are allowed to enter the Black Hole of Science without a teacher
Who was the first person to step on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
I know the answer! What should NOT I do?
(school appropriate!)
What is the lieutenant's job?
Be ready for report
I need a pen and there is one on Mrs. Anderson's desk... what should I do?
Mrs. Anderson's desk is a NO FLY ZONE. Do not touch anything on, under or behind her desk without permission.
I need to use some tape, what should I do?
Ask the teacher (it is on the teacher desk which is a no fly zone)
Where is the pencil sharpener?
The wall & counter
How can a student earn a science sticker?!
Drop some (science) knowledge!
How many ribs do humans have?
12 pairs
How to get your computer
1. enter line from the left
2. grab their computer
3. exit from the right
4. not stopping and talking to anyone
5. sit at table, open up computer and are ready to work
What is the secretary's job?
remind everyone to have pencil ready & fetches papers for group
What should students be doing while the timer is counting down?
1. leaders get folder holder
2. get a chair
3. make sure you have a sharpened pencil
4. be ready for report when the timer goes off
I have a question about my grade, what should I do?
What day do we hand papers back?
Answers vary.
Students SHOULD raise their hand so the teacher knows they need help. They should continue to work while they wait.
What do you call a person who professionally studies the weather?
What does report look like?
... beep ....beep ...beep
everyone sits, lieutenant stands
"all present and ready to work" OR "it grieves me to report"
Lieutenant sits (still quiet)
What is the equipment specialist's job?
watch the timer & get lab supplies for group
Where should student papers go at the end of class?
Turned in OR in student folders
Teacher asks you to discuss with your group
Where is the construction paper found?
The drawers under the windows
Why is it important to be good for a sub?
So we can get subs so we can go on field trips
So our class can be the best and earn a treat
What is the slowest living animal on Earth?
How do we return white boards?
Act it out
What is the leader's job?
get folder holder (and put away) holder for group & be back up lieutenant
How do we leave class?
Line up by the sinks (quietly)
The line starts AT the wall- this allows the cow cart to get out
I am finished early, what should I do?
Read, draw, color, work on other work, Prodigy, Nitrotype, other educational games
Where do we turn our papers in?
The turn in bins (point)
What happens if a student is being unsafe during labs?
They will be given an alternative book work assignment
How many muscles are in the human body?
640 muscles
Bathroom procedure
1. using sign to ask
2. sign out
3. sign in